[ScintillaNET] Sciboo - a new ScintillaNET based editor

  • From: "Steve Donovan" <sjdonova@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ScintillaNET@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 11:40:41 +0200

Sciboo is a ScintillaNET-based programmer's editor. It is implemented in Boo, 
which is a new statically-typed .NET language with type inference, which looks 
rather like Python. It's very much the younger brother of SciTE, with a similar 
tab-based interface. SciTE features like bookmarks, matching braces, and 
abbreviations are supported. Any .NET language can be used to write plugins, 
and I've included a few useful ones with this release. One that is particularly 
useful for browsing large projects is a ctags extension, which uses the tag 
files generated by that excellent tool, Exuberant Ctags.

Sciboo already knows how to compile/run many languages like C#,Boo,Python,C++, 
and Fortran, and should be able to style any language supported by Scintilla. 
The 'Open File in Document' is reasonably intelligent, and can handle C and 
Fortran includes, simple Python import statements. It knows about HTML hrefs 
and can jump to them if they're local, so it's a useful HTML editor as well.

My working version of ScintillaNET is included in the source, since I have made 
numerous small fixes and extensions. The GetLine() method was fixed, and I 
found it necessary to have a custom string marshalling function to get 
userlists working; this may be because I haven't understood something 
important.  Drag and drop has been added, which fires the URIDropped event. 
(This is usually only fired by the GTK version). A new event, ControlClick, has 
been added.  I've left out the configuration and dialog stuff because Sciboo 
has its own strategies for implementing here - this ScintillaNET is used purely 
as a wrapper around Scintilla. Sciboo uses mode files, which are based on the 
syntax used by Neil Hodgson's Sinkworld project. They are easier and more 
flexible than editing a large XML file.

A screenshot for the impatient:

You'll notice that program output, compile results and find-in-files are 
directed to separate tabbed panes. Mulitiple instances of the main form can be 
opened and tiled, which compensates for the lack of split views.

The binaries, plus source:

At the very least, I hope that Sciboo will be educational. Boo is not difficult 
to read, if you know C# and a little Python. My hope is that it will be a 
useful, freely available reference for people using ScintillaNET.

A problem I encountered was getting Sciboo to recognize Alt+<digit> shortcuts, 
like SciTE. However, Ctrl+<digit> works fine. If anybody has some insight into 
this issue, I'd be grateful.

steve d.

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  • » [ScintillaNET] Sciboo - a new ScintillaNET based editor