[sac-board] Re: April newsletter?

  • From: Peter Argenziano <pargenz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sac-board@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 04 May 2005 06:29:41 -0700

Sorry for the late reply on this one.
The work that remains after the 'to-be-mailed' issues are printed:
    * folding and stapling (or applying a sticker) to secure them for
    * obtaining postage and affixing it to each one
    * dropping in mailbox
    * submitting receipts for reimbursement

I will mail the April issues in the morning and we'll see how this 
process works out.


Paul Dickson wrote:

>On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 21:29:54 -0700, Rick Tejera wrote:
>>3.       I'll also send you as soon as I get it from Al, the latest member
>>database filtered for the hard copy subscribers. You can print the regular
>>issues with the labels as you did once before. Bring 'em to the meeting and
>>I'll take 'em and mail them. 
>What's the point of the newsletter if it's going to be mailed just after
>the meeting?
>If Peter prints issues with labels, how much more work is done to them
>before mailing (excluding applying stamps and dropping them at a mailbox)?
>       -Paul

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