Re: naive but quite precise questions about the relation between "rumpkernel" and "netbsd"

  • From: Antti Kantee <pooka@xxxxxx>
  • To: rumpkernel-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2018 15:54:24 +0000

On 20/04/18 11:50, yarl-baudig@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:


Two questions:

I know that "_Note: Unless you are a developer integrating rump kernels
into your project, there should be no reason to be here._", but.. has not being
updated for 2 years but it used to be regularly. Why (it ain't anymore)?

Nobody has done and contributed the work; search the archives.

I looked at and I saw rump and rumptest targets. Actually,

     ["${1}" != "rumptest" ] && bomb ' rump not yet functional. '

What is the goal here (rump target)?

It's the "precursor" of When I finally got around to, I noticed there's no reason for it to live in NetBSD/ And when stuff doesn't need to be in the NetBSD tree, it's better being out of the NetBSD tree, so as to make it easier to change. So, the goal there is to be another lesson on how stupid it is to add code which in its current form doesn't do anything measurably useful ... (at least in this case it isn't that many lines for someone to remove)

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