[rollei_list] Re: VERY OT: Help Keep the Music Flowing!

  • From: Marc James Small <marcsmall@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 00:15:38 -0400

At 09:33 PM 3/24/2010, Elias_Roustom wrote:
>Do you know of this website: http://www.publicradiofan.com/ ?
>Internet radio is really my favorite thing about the www. It really
>beats the heck out of shortwave - as exciting and mysterious as that
>was sometimes.
>Your WKHR should try to get themselves listed there, they'll find some
>more listeners.

I will pass that on, but I believe that this is restricted to NPR members. WKHR is not a Bolshevik organization and, so, chooses not to participate in NPR. They do not do news. Weather emergencies and traffic problems, but that is the all of it. It is rather the reverse of the Rollei List, where all we seem to discuss is politics!

These guys are really in a world of hurt. Your $5 might allow me to keep listening through the night Better yet, it will allow YOU to keep listening.

I have never asked you guys for any contributions since we shifted over to Freelists and I quit doing the Brian Reid fundraisers. That was what, six years back? Well, get off your bottomsides, you ward-heelers and worthless souls! Make your lives of some merit! Quit beating your slaves long enough to write a check. <he grins>

Shucks, I would hope that Mark Rabiner, that fan of Hip-Hop and whatever is passing for music today, will contribute. And I can go on, but I shall not do so: names do not matter, but money does.

This station is close to being out of business. It is unique in the world. It is a non-NPR publicly supported station. They get NO government or state or local funds. They are an outgrowth of a High School program and they still rent space there for their studio and provide training for students as on-air jocks -- and, yes, they are shocked at the names of some of the performers and mangle them. So what? They are learning. We are learning, and the music is every bit as sweet as it ever was, albeit the name of the producer was mis-spoke.

And Richard Knoppow might like to know that on Sundays, from 8 to 10 Eastern Time, WKHR runs a Sunday Evening Bijou of old radio shows. I have had a LONG argument with Bob Wilkin, the producer, but he recently has started running more than Jack Benny and Bing Crosby and Bob Hope shows. He actually ran a RICHARD DIAMOND episode the other night that I had previously not heard. It was not one of the best, but, what the hey, it is always a delight to find a radio episode you previously have not enjoyed. Richard knows nothing of BLAIR OF THE MOUNTIES, I suspect ...

Anyway, you slackers, get off your duffs and give a bit to WKHR. For me. You guys STILL have never bought me a 2.8FX despite my mothering of the List, but so be it. Many on the Rollei List must be frustrated at their inability to buy me such a camera. I can give you an alternate which I would really appreciate: send $5 or $10 $500 towards a 2.8FX to some amorphoush and non-existent fund on my behalf.

Thank  you!


Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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