[rollei_list] Re: "New" enlarging lens

  • From: Jan Decher <Jan.Decher@xxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 10:43:09 -0500

Don et al,

The compact B22 XL with two EL-Nikkor lenses (50 & 75mm) and an Aristo cold light head to swap in for the incandesdent bulb is what I use. I do get into the darkroom much to rarely these days and often just go the scanner route after film processing. The darkoom is a small 1/2 bathroom (toilet & shower) off my study, a converted garage. The enlarger is on a large removable board above the toilet. Unfortunately I had to disconnect the water to the shower becasue it routinely froze in the winter), so I have to water my prints on the basement sink in a big Paterson tray with a Kodak Siphon, which gets me out of the darkroom every 45 minutes or so. Works fine and much better than the complete break-down darkrooms I have had in the past.

I have bought several large-format Omegas in the past including an Automega D3 with autofooc track which I probably shoudl have kept but they large D Omegas but they barely fit my current darkroom space and are much heavier than the elegant B22 XL. Some day I still hope to move to large format with a Graflex or Bush Pressman etc.

On Feb 28, 2011, at 1:07 AM, FreeLists Mailing List Manager wrote:
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 17:11:32 -0600
From: Don Williams <dwilli10@xxxxxxx>
Subject: [rollei_list] Re: "New" enlarging lens

The Componon was on my wish list to replace the Comparon that came
with my Omega B-22, also bought during my student days.  Sadly, I had
to leave the enlarger behind when we moved because I couldn't find a
good home for it.

Thhe Comparon was an excellent lens and I used to make nice
enlargements with it, using a drop-table I made.  The B-22 XL
(whatever it was called) would have been a better choice, only
difference was a longer stand.


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