[retroforth] Re: RetroWeb 1.2 is available

  • From: Charles Childers <crc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: retroforth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 22:16:10 -0400

>>RetroWeb 1.2 has been set up on the retroforth.org server.  It appears 
>>to work properly (I haven't done a lot of testing yet...)
>1.x releases should now maintain backwards compatibility.
>All ( html documents will still work, with (xhtml you might
>be able to satisfy the w3c xhtml validator, too.
That's good. Now I can start rewriting the retroforth.org site using it :-)

>>Stefan, have you tried the RetroForth 7.5 core with this yet? Also, I'm 
>not yet, but it's on my todo list.
Once you try it, let me know if there are any problems with it. 
Hopefully it'll work with a "stock" version of 7.5

>>hoping to make a few minor additions to RetroWeb that could yield a big 
>>performance boost under Linux in the near future :-)
>I'm looking forward to this, and now is the perfect time, as 
>1.2 should stay current for quite a while. If we have a
>high performance RetroWeb, shall we call it TetraWeb? :-)
No! It's just a quick couple of quick hacks to the core (all implemented 
in Forth of course), so no reason to rename it :-)


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