[racktables-users] Re: Upgrade from 0.19.12 to 0.19.14 and date formats

  • From: csmall <csmall@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Tyler J. Wagner" <tyler@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 09:40:26 +1100

On 17.09.2012 20:30, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
Once you upgrade, the date format is configurable in Configuration : User
Interface. For instance, mine is ISO-8601:

PHP date() format to use for date output: Y-m-d

However, I wanted my text string dates to be automatically converted to
Racktables dates on upgrade. So I used MySQL statements to locate and
convert them to the US format before the upgrade.

After the upgrade, if you put in a date in the configured format (in your
user interface), it is correctly parsed in.



Thanks for the tidbit about the date formatting option. Unfortunately it does not work for me, I just get a 'Database error: foreign key violation' and upon further investigation, it looks as though the user options are saved to the UserConfig table but the only user I have in the local database is the admin user since I have Racktables authenticating via LDAP for all the users so their is no key to match with the user logged in.

Is there a way around this (besides going in and manually creating a correspinding user in the UserAccount table) or is it possible to set the default date format to d/m/Y globally for all users?

In case anyone else was wondering, the dates are stored in the AttributeValues table and can be found with a 'select * from AttributeValue where attr_id=22;'


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