[racktables-users] Re: RackTables 0.19.11 and FK issues during upgrades

  • From: Denis Ovsienko <infrastation@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 19:00:49 +0400

> Hi Denis,
> I just attempted an upgrade from 0.19.7 to 0.19.11. I've upgraded many
> times between point releases. This time I had an auth error that I couldn't
> resolve.
> I can authenticate correctly as the HTTP auth user "admin", which matches
> user_id 1 in Racktables. The first line of Permissions is:
> allow {$userid_1}
> However, after passing this authentication, the HTTPAuth dialog changes
> from mine "CompanyName login" to "Racktables upgrade". This dialog will not
> accept any user/pass. I also tried removing HTTPauth entirely. This causes
> "Racktables upgrade" to display as before, with the same results - no login
> is accepted.
> I've not had this problem before with previous upgrades. Any advice?
> I rolled back to the 0.19.7 backup immediately.

This case doesn't belong to the FK class, just to be clear, but it's not the 
intended order of things, of course. Did you upgrade using 0.19.11 tar.gz? Does 
the issue reproduce with a different client PC/browser? Is there any additional 
httpd/proxy side authentication configured?

    Denis Ovsienko

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