[racktables-users] Drawing topologies with python + graphviz

  • From: Lucas Aimaretto <laimaretto@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2015 00:22:45 -0300

Hi All,

I've been trying to use the linkmgmt plugin in order to graph the different
topologies that we have in our network but could really manage to obtain
what I need. Don't take me wrong: I think it's a very neat plugin but I
needed something else ...

Unfortunately I'm not a good PHP programmer (not even a good programmer)
but I do know a little about python.

I've written myself a python program that will connect to RT's database,
gather some information and build the required tables (actually, python
lists) in order to feed the graphviz module for python.

The output is the following one:

I really like the output. Still, I need to fully understand how to proper
parametrize graphviz in order to add more information to it. But, so far,
so good.

If anyone is interested in this python program, I can share it with you
(the comments within it are in spanish, but I can translate those).



"Antes teníamos hambre y mirábamos el reloj para saber qué hora era. Ahora
miramos el reloj para saber si tenemos hambre." -- Ernesto Sábato

PNG image

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