[pure-silver] Re: New list

  • From: Ron Schwarz <rs@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pure-silver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 21:20:30 -0400

02:28 AM 9/10/2004 +0200, Claudio Bonavolta wrote:
>  ----- Message d'origine -----=20
>De: Ron Schwarz <rs@xxxxxxxxxx>=20
>Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 17:17:34 -0400=20
>Sujet: [pure-silver] Re: New list =20
>=C0: pure-silver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx=20
>>>May I ask already a slight change to the new list ?=20
>>>I would like we integrate the Chroma and Silver-Bits into the new one.=20
>>>The status might change from a "Pure-silver, B/W only" list to a=20
>>>"High-quality photography whatever tool is used" one.=20
>>I'll vote against that.=20
>>I'll vote *for* Jim creating replacements for those two lists here on=20
>>freelist.org. =20

[Your mailer is not handling attributions nicely. I took the liberty
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>I'm afraid they will not work better than before and I don't think this is=
>due to a lack of interest but if you can't reach a minimum "critical mass"=
>on a list, it remains silent.=20

Well, then so be it. What can I say?  There are low-traffic lists.  OK,
I can live with that. <g>

>The opposite creates severe problems too because of the number of emails=20
>generated: during these last 6 hours I received 13 spams, nearly 90=20
>Pure-Silver emails and *no* real personal email. Managing the spam took me=
>less than a minute, reading all Pure-Silver emails more than an hour.

What do you suggest?  You have a situation in which a simple list migration=
has become a tempest in a teapot because a tiny contingent of agitators have=
decided to kick up some dust.

One way or another it'll settle down before too long.

Either they'll "clue-up", get kicked out, or leave in a huff to start their=
own "Really really *really* real 'Son of Pure-Silver' list".

>I find keeping Pure-Silver only related to B/W silver based photography=20
>already very limiting and certainly more limiting in the near future.

Well, again, what can I say?

It's a B&W list.  You don't enjoy B&W, so you want the list to change to=20
conform to your whims?

If I go into a Mexican restaurant, should I kick up a ruckus and demand that=
the management DO SOMETHING! because I can't find gefilte fish on the menu?

>You loose color and techniques like silver masking mainly used in slide=20
>printing but which are of a great interest in traditional B/W too.
>You loose all mixed digital/silver techniques that may be of a great=20
>interest and are just actually pointing their nose.
>You loose all the alternative processes that are not silver-based.
>And I miss certainly many things ...
>For what ? Because some of us suffer of digital allergy ?

Well, what you're suggesting is that a mailing list dedicated to traditonal=
B&W silver photography become "One More Photography List".

In that case, I'd ask "why bother"?

It's like walking into that Mexican restaurant and demanding that they=20
rebadge as a McDonald's.

>Just hoping we're not that close-minded.

Now that's just plain ol' below-the-belt.

It's not "close-minded" to want to discuss a certain topic.

It's not "close-minded" to want to dedicate a resource *to* a certain topic.

And to water-down that topic by tossing it into a mix of "everything else",=
at a time when one part of "everything else" (i.e., "digital") is pretty=20
much obliterating the landscape...

Wnat you're suggesting, my friend, is hanging up a "No Smoking!" sign on the=
wall of the cigar shop, and then demanding that it start serving latte,=20
because you feel left out, since you don't really enjoy cigars, but you *do*=
like a good cup of latte.

I would suggest that in that case, rather than demanding that the cigar shop=
stop being a cigar shop, you find yourself a nice little latte shop where=20
you'd feel comfortable.

>I find Ryuji and Richard's discussions on chemicals used at the beginning=
>last century definetely interesting but I would be also interested in=20
>hearing more about technologies like digital negatives used to print onto=
>classic silver paper too.
>What interests me in Pure-Silver is the photographic level of the people=20
>involved here and I'm sure it may drive us to a better photography.

What interests me is the focus on traditional photography, and the refusal=
to allow the Digital Demon to shove its hungry tentacles under the door.

I like the "smell of the hypo".  A lot of very fond memories going way back
to my childhoold are wrapped up in the aroma of the darkroom.

I like the "gestalt" of traditional silver photography.  I do *not* like the
hyped, driven, push-push clinical "digital darkroom".

And I *do* like a "neighborhood bar" that caters to my kind.

Try to turn it into a "latte shoppe" and you'll likely find that the=20
clientele gets disgusted, and gets going.

I'll wrap up by saying that the world isn't crying for one more "general=20
photography" forum. And, there *is* a dearth of venues dedicated to true=20

It would be madness to take a treasure of a resource like this, and hammer=
it into conformity with "the rest of the world", simply because you're not
really interested in traditional photography.

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