[pure-silver] Re: J&C Ortho 4x5 question

  • From: Jean-David Beyer <jeandavid8@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pure-silver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 06 May 2011 15:39:18 -0400

Speedy wrote:
>     A while back I purchased some J&C Ortho film in 4x5.  I got around
>     to loading it last night and hit a snag.
>     This film does not have a notch code on it anywhere.  In the dark I
>     had no way of knowing which side
>     was up.
>     Does anyone have any experience with this film.  I ahve about 40
>     more sheets of it and would like to get
>     the best use out of it.
>     How can you tell which is the emulsion side of this film?
I am sure it depends on the film.
With Kodalith, I found one side sounded different from the other if I
held the film vertical and glided my (dry) thumb over it. The emulsion
side sounded different from the back. I believe louder. It is not loud
in either case. This may also be true with your film. In the darkroom,
see if you can tell the difference in sound from one side to the other.
If you can, pick one side as the emulsion. load it in a film holder, and
expose it on something. If it is not sharp enough or exposed enough, the
side you picked is probably the wrong one.

  .~.  Jean-David Beyer          Registered Linux User 85642.
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