[projectaon] Action Chart 3.0 Beta!!

  • From: Eric Zollman <ericzollman@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: projectaon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 03:47:41 -0400

Hello All,

I have just posted a beta version of the new action chart. The entire
script has been re-written to use the Prototype 1.7 framework. Instead
of using cookies the script now saves all user data on the client-side
using the new HTML5 localStorage method. All user data is also converted
to JSON before it is saved and parsed back to it's original value when
loaded. I also added a neat little 'Fight to the Death' option which
will basically skip to the end of the combat before it displays any
results. The combat system also dynamically updates your EP value after
combat. And I also added a nice little status bar for a visual
representation of your EP.,

If anybody would like to give it a look, maybe even play through book 1
(or part of it) and let me know what you think, if you find any bugs,
crashes, ect? I would really appreciate it...


-Eric Zollman

P.S. I also wanted to ask everybody's opinion on what I should do. When
I post a final release all of the user data that is stored in cookies
will not load into the new chart. Should I put up a link to both pages
for a while on my index page, or should I put up a link (to the old
chart) at the bottom of each chart so users can just open it real quick
and copy over their data?

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