[project1dev] Re: fireballs hurting enemies

  • From: Alan Wolfe <alan.wolfe@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: project1dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 15 May 2010 23:22:22 -0700

when i was thinking about making an updated version of act raiser (3d
version) origionaly, the biggest hurdle in my head was "how could we have
you shoot an arrow (or something like that) and have it hit any enemy
whether it was on the ground or in the air?"

my idea was that we just make it hit all enemies regardless of height but
try to hide the fact that it doesnt make sense by doing some "art magic"

like make the art in such a way where it doesn't look weird.

i know that is kinda like saying "make it magically work" but i bet theres a
way to make it seem ok.

having to shoot a fireball down at an angle means that its a different type
of attack and that now youd have to aim it to hit the ground near the enemy
instead of just shooting that direction and hitting him.

we might have to go that route in the end but i think it would be nice if we
could make it work where you just shoot left and anything that it hits
(disregarding height) gets damaged :P

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 11:15 PM, Kent Petersen <kentkmp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Fireballs should be able to be able to be shot down at an angle. Maybe
> there could be 2 different shoot buttons. 1 for shooting straight and
> another for shooting forward.
> Another option could be holding a key like ctrl down to make shooting go
> downward and releasing ctrl would return the aim to level height.

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