Re: c++ ide: Codeblocks cross-platform and apparently highly accessible

  • From: Alex Hall <mehgcap@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 12:35:10 -0400

Thanks, I got a project created. I cannot edit, though, but I am sure
more poking around will show what is going on. I like that nearly
everything has a keyboard shortcut and that there is a lot of
customization that can be done easily.

On 8/20/10, Alex Midence <alex.midence@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Did you download version 10.05?  also, their dialog boxes use control
> tab to navigate them and not tab.  If you are hitting tab, it's
> probably causing you to skip over stuff.  Contro tab till you hear
> categories and make sure you are on projects.  Control tab again and
> you get another list of categories and make sure all categories is
> selected.  Once more, control tab and you are in a list view of a
> whole bunch of stuff.  I hit console application and then tab, yes,
> tab till I hear go.
> Before you do this, though, you need to set your environment
> variables.  I went to alt+s for settings, arrowed to environment and
> control tabbed to the tree view of options.  I arrowed down to View
> and hit space to select.  I then control tabbed to the checkboxes.
> From here, you can use tab to get through the list of them.  I then
> made sure tool bar icons were set to normal instead of small and icons
> were set to text instead of large.
> hth,
> alex M
> On 8/20/10, Alex Hall <mehgcap@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Maybe I am missing something obvious, but I was not able to create a
>> new project. I got options for "list" and "large icons", a strange
>> label, and a Cancel button, but that was all.
>> On 8/20/10, Alex Midence <alex.midence@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> So far, my friend, I am finding it insanely cool.  Last night I was
>>> able to positively fly through coding examples and exercises in my
>>> tutorial I'm going through.  I was able to code and compile them from
>>> the same app and read the console output just fine.  had to use the
>>> Jaws cursor but, hey, no sweat.  "but, eclipse does that," you say?
>>> you have to fiddle with it to get the perspective to change to the
>>> console from your code whereas this just pops right on up for you.
>>> Compiler error messages were really accessible too.  Just read the
>>> bottom lines of the screen right above the status line and you're in
>>> business.  I actually used an IDE to do some coding and enjoyed the
>>> experience.  It was great!  Usually, I'm spending half my time just
>>> fiddling with the silly thing trying to figure out where in the heck I
>>> am on the screen.  Code Blocks was really easy to use.  Best of all,
>>> it's the full-fledged IDE not a paired down free version of a
>>> full-blown commercial app like visual studio.  I don't have to wonder
>>> what features I'm not getting and if they interfere with the
>>> functionality or accessibility.  Another thing I liked is that it's
>>> the latest and greatest version of the application.  Code Blocks 10.05
>>> came out in May of 2010.  Even has options to add the Boost libraries
>>> and for using the latest proposed additions to the c++ language
>>> scheduled for this year during compilation.  For once, I'm not using
>>> the tech from two or more years back because the newest thing isn't
>>> accessible yet.  So far, I think it's a keeper for me.  I don't know
>>> how it would work with developing gui/windows.api applications yet
>>> since that's still far in my c++ future right now but, console apps
>>> work great,, that's what I'm writing so, I'm going to use it till I
>>> hit a brick wall.
>>> Regards,
>>> Alex M
>>> On 8/20/10, Kerneels Roos <kerneels@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Alex, looks really cool!
>>>> On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 6:21 AM, Alex Midence
>>>> <alex.midence@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>> Hi, folks,
>>>>> Been messing around with Code Blocks which is an Ide for c++.  So far,
>>>>> I'm finding it quite accessible.  The menus all behave themselves with
>>>>> Jaws as do the dialogs though they like ctrl tab as the hot key
>>>>> instead of plain old tab for most of them.  I was able to use the text
>>>>> editor and compile my application and read the output on the console.
>>>>> Thing is, as soem of you may remember, I've still very much a novice
>>>>> at c++.  I'd like to know if any more experienced c++ programmers have
>>>>> had any experience with this IDE.  It looks great.  Does all sorts of
>>>>> stuff and feels very user friendly.  More so, I dare say, than visual
>>>>> studio did.  It's free and open source and comes either by itself or
>>>>> bundled with the latest version of the MinGw version of the gnu c++
>>>>> compiler.  It also detected my cl. exe compiler that came with visual
>>>>> studio express.  You can apparently use multiple compilers with this
>>>>> thing pretty easily.  Any thoughts?  Here is the link to download in
>>>>> case anyone is interested:
>>>>> Here's a feature list for anyone interested.  I just copied it from
>>>>> their site.  A bunch of this stuff is still a bit advanced for me
>>>>> *gring*:
>>>>> •Open Source! GPLv3, no hidden costs.
>>>>> •Cross-platform. Runs on Linux, Mac, Windows (uses wxWidgets).
>>>>> •Written in C++. No interpreted languages or proprietary libs needed.
>>>>> •Extensible through plugins
>>>>> Compiler:
>>>>> •Multiple compiler support:
>>>>> ◦GCC (MingW / GNU GCC)
>>>>> ◦MSVC++
>>>>> ◦Digital Mars
>>>>> ◦Borland C++ 5.5
>>>>> ◦Open Watcom
>>>>> ◦...and more
>>>>> •Very fast custom build system (no makefiles needed)
>>>>> •Support for parallel builds (utilizing your CPU's extra cores)
>>>>> •Multi-target projects
>>>>> •Workspaces to combine multiple projects
>>>>> •Inter-project dependencies inside workspace
>>>>> •Imports MSVC projects and workspaces (NOTE: assembly code not
>>>>> supported
>>>>> yet)
>>>>> •Imports Dev-C++ projects
>>>>> Debugger:
>>>>> •Interfaces GNU GDB
>>>>> •Also supports MS CDB (not fully featured)
>>>>> •Full breakpoints support:
>>>>> ◦Code breakpoints
>>>>> ◦Data breakpoints (read, write and read/write)
>>>>> ◦Breakpoint conditions (break only when an expression is true)
>>>>> ◦Breakpoint ignore counts (break only after certain number of hits)
>>>>> •Display local function symbols and arguments
>>>>> •User-defined watches (support for watching user-defined types through
>>>>> scripting)
>>>>> •Call stack
>>>>> •Disassembly
>>>>> •Custom memory dump
>>>>> •Switch between threads
>>>>> •View CPU registers
>>>>> Interface:
>>>>> •Syntax highlighting, customizable and extensible
>>>>> •Code folding for C++ and XML files.
>>>>> •Tabbed interface
>>>>> •Code completion
>>>>> •Class Browser
>>>>> •Smart indent
>>>>> •One-key swap between .h and .c/.cpp files
>>>>> •Open files list for quick switching between files (optional)
>>>>> •External customizable "Tools"
>>>>> •To-do list management with different users
>>>>> And many more features provided through plugins!
>>>>> Build system
>>>>> Code::Blocks implements a custom build system with very important
>>>>> features: ultra-fast dependencies generation, build queues and
>>>>> parallel builds are the most important ones to mention.  Debugging
>>>>> The debugging subsystem has been greatly enhanced in the latest
>>>>> version. Automatic/manual watches, code/data breakpoints, call stack,
>>>>> disassembly listing and memory dumps are only few of its features.
>>>>> Alex M
>>>>> __________
>>>>> View the list's information and change your settings at
>>>>> //
>>>> --
>>>> Kerneels Roos
>>>> Cell/SMS: +27 (0)82 309 1998
>>>> Skype: cornelis.roos
>>>> The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!
>>> __________
>>> View the list's information and change your settings at
>>> //
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> mehgcap@xxxxxxxxx;
>> __________
>> View the list's information and change your settings at
>> //
> __________
> View the list's information and change your settings at
> //

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
View the list's information and change your settings at

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