Re: Woops, forgot the code.

  • From: Jared Wright <wright.jaredm@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 09:35:39 -0400

Aside from the suggestions related to operator precedence others have mentioned, just a couple aesthetic notes. 1. You don't have any newline characters in your program's output. So all the output of your program will run on one line. You might try: cout<< "This program takes three test score numbers you enter, and figures out the

average for you. \n";
This way there will be a newline after that line of output.

Also, I was originally a little confused at why you switched between sintax when initializing the score variables. For the first two, you did var=0, but for the third you did var(0). Again, these are not actual problems with the code at all technically, but if anyone else were to do anything further with your code these things may be unclear to them at first. Given the scope of most meaningful projects requiring collaboration between programmers, I thought it important to get in the habit very early on of coding with the understanding that someone else might need to review and understand your code. These are just a couple of tips related to that. Nice work!

On 7/7/2010 4:08 AM, Jes wrote:
Here's the code.
//Ch5 Exercise 4, page 287 //Calculates and displays the average of three test scores
//created/revised by Jes Smith on July 5 2010

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
//begin program
int main()
//declare variables
double score_1=0;
double score_2=0;
double score_3 (0);
int answer;
cout<< "This program takes three test score numbers you enter, and figures out the average for you. "; cout<< "Please enter your first test score, then press enter. Decimal values accepted: " ;
cin >> score_1 ;
cout<< "Please enter your second test score. Remember to press enter when done: ";
cin >>score_2  ;
                cout<< "Finally, enter your third   test score.";
cin >>score_3  ;
 answer = score_1+score_2+score_3/3;
 cout<<"The average is " <<answer;

return (0);
} //end of main function.

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