[program-l] Re: HTML5 book

  • From: "Walker, Michael E" <michael.e.walker3@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "program-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <program-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 21:13:41 +0000

In my opinion, HTML is not complicated enough to really require a book;
learning it from a few online resources should be sufficient. Now, I can see
where a book can be necessary for someone learning a programming language for
the first time, since books present examples like rolling dice, guessing
numbers, or calculating prime numbers that tutorials may not. A tutorial may
explain a loop by counting to ten in it, where a book might do more real-world
things like what I mentioned with the prime numbers. HTML is nowhere near that

Michael E. Walker
Work: (314) 563-6501
Email: Michael.E.Walker3@xxxxxxxxxx

From: program-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:program-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Velez, Christopher J
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 4:10 PM
To: Program-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [program-l] Re: HTML5 book

Hey Jerry,

I am not sure if these resources are entirely accessible but they have been
very helpful to me:

* HTML Dog: http://www.htmldog.com/guides/html/
* HTML5 Doctor: http://html5doctor.com/
* Dive Into HTML5: http://diveintohtml5.info/

There are tons of free things out there that you can find but I'm not too sure
as far as books go. Hopefully those resources help ya out a bit.

Best Regards,

Chris Velez

From: program-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:program-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
<program-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:program-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> on
behalf of Jerry White <MidwayVI@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:MidwayVI@xxxxxxxxx>>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 2:06 PM
To: Program-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Program-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [program-l] HTML5 book

Good afternoon!

I am looking for a JAWS accessible and current HTML5 book, does anybody have
any ideas which is a good one? I have found a few, but they are in PDF and,
when read by JAWS, aren't very accessible. I ask this because the punctuation
is so important, I don't want to miss anything because of screen reader failure!

I tried some online schools, also, the CodSchool was a bust, because the
learning videos are not specific. They say things like, As you can see
here...", or "You can read the file for yourself." and I never could find
where to download the course files.

Any thoughts or ideas are appreciated! I just don't want to spend a whole lot
of money and wind up wishing I hadn't.


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