[passcoalition] Catching Up

  • From: "Joyce Carrico" <jcarrico@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <passcoalition@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2011 15:52:25 -0400

Hi Karen and All,

My computer crashed right before I left for the convention in Florida.  I just 
got it back last night, so am catching up on e-mail.  Annalyn I hope you are 
feeling better.  Karen that was a good letter to margaret.  I am a bit 
distressed they can't install poles where we would like them, but I know 
infrastructure problems do occur.  As for signage, they need to give names of 
streets and any other information given to the public which is relevant.  It is 
bad enough that we have to worry about all the quiet cars government and others 
are purchasing, which will soon have some sound thanks to the Pedestrian Safety 
Enhancement Act, but adding to that, the lack of appropriate information when 
crossing due to DOT's ignorance and not previously working with groups such as 
us, it's no wonder crossing streets is a nightmare.

Got to go my demo is running out.


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