[pasmembers] Re: input requested

  • From: L Phx <lphxaz@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: List Serv <pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2015 17:37:56 -0700

The "star naming" companies are all scams. Not "just a little". Nobody can
"officially" name a star. Even if they give you a certificate that it is in
their catalog - so what? It won't be in anyone else's catalog. Why pay them
good money for a worthless piece of paper? Also the stars they choose are
really faint ones that you could never see anyway. SCAM SCAM SCAM!!!

My suggestion is to choose a good naked eye star, maybe 3rd mag. A good
one would be a star about the same distance as her age in years. E.g. if
she is 30, then a star that is 30 light years away. That means we are now
seeing light that left the star on the day she was born. Tell me her DOB
and first name and I will find something really appropriate. Also PAS can
print a really nice certificate for free (or for the cost of ink and paper).
On Jul 15, 2015 8:14 PM, <kjwitts@xxxxxxx> wrote:

And Terri,
I have a GREAT idea regarding something he might want to do. Too much
typing to explain it here... I can describe it to you on Saturday.

---- Terri <starstuff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
PAS Members,

A wonderful gentleman who wants to propose to his future wife at a star
party we are doing in October, wishes to name 2 stars, near each other,
after the two of them. He wants to know if this is a reputable site to
purchase 2 stars for this purpose. Anyone interested in doing some
and sending me data on places to go to get stars names after someone?


I mentioned to him that in order to see these 2 stars in the night sky on
Oct 17, the date of the star party we are doing for this couple, to be
the magnitude of the stars are no less than 12th magnitude, and that they
are in these constellations: Aquila, Hercules, Lyra, Draco, Ursa Major,
Cepheus, Cassiopeia, PIsces, Pegasus and Andromeda.

Keep in mind, this location has the horizon blocked by a barn directly
East, that extends for some of the scopes to N. East, and a house to the
South. But all of the S.W. around to the W and up to North are open for
So, i picked constellations that could be seen at 9pm on Oct 17, for
they can view their twin stars, maybe a double star, maybe not, at the
Why 9pm? I picked a time in which it will be dark, no sunlight, and the
Moon has set by this time. And we do it before the end of the party,
I believe will be 10pm.

If you have input on this, please let me know. My other thought was that
don't want them standing on a tall ladder to see their stars, like doing
viewing through Eric's scope as an example, when it is pointed up towards
the Zenith. It is more romantic if they can be holding on to each other
while viewing their stars, from the ground.

Thank you for your input. This event will get on line soon. And this
does use the Rotation list.

I would like to collect your answers and send them to Mark soon. Thanks
very much for your research. And if you have any suggestions on how to
this situation work well for this couple, let me know.

It is awesome to have such a wonderful collection of friends in this
Astronomy Club. I look forward to your input.

Have a super day!
Terri, Event Manager

Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society <http://www.pasaz.org/> Event Manager
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