[pasmembers] Re: Thinking of starting a new item in the Newsletter

  • From: Alex Vrenios <axv@xxxxxxx>
  • To: pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 14:04:57 -0700

...Another idea is to look up astronomy stuff, and write a brief article...
maybe start with a question about something current that is happening, and
then write about it, as far as what you find on the internet and in other
news sources, and put that in the Newsletter.

I’d like to do this. Sounds like fun. If the summer issue isn’t out yet, maybe
something about the Pluto project would be appropriate.


On May 21, 2015, at 10:46 AM, Terri <starstuff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Good morning PAS Members,

I was looking at a periodical that I pick up once in a while called Coffee
News. I was at Hibachi Grill last night and they had one and i picked it up
and they have a "Trivia" (they call it) section.
This gave me an idea for our Newsletter. Rigth now, we are doing well with
articles and reviews, and photos for the reviews... but what if we made the
newsletter more interesting with some Q & A?

I was wondering if someone wanted to do a column in the newsletter, where by
they provide 5 short questions, or more or less, it would be up to you, and
then the answers in a separate paragraph format such that we can put them in
2 different places within the newsletter. The Questions on page 2, and maybe
the answers on page 8 as an example.

What this newspaper does is the one page (it is only a 2 page item, front and
back) has something like this:

There are 5 questions, but i'm only going to choose 2 of them from the 5 for
this example:

3. A grapnel is a nautical term for what?
5. Heliology pertains to the science of what?

And then on another page, we have the Answers:

3. Anchor
5. Sun

The questions & answers would be as long or as short as needed to get the
info out there, kinda like trivia, but we could call it Q & A, for the title
of our article.


Another option would be, and this was suggested by Matt, we could ask the
teachers who we do star parties for, what quesions the kids have for PAS, and
we could look up the answers, and post them to the newsletter, and then give
the teachers the links to the answers of those questions. Howeve,r this is
more work, and I prefer to make this project as simple as possible.

But what i'm looking for is someone to put together the info and just submit
it to me to get it ready, each month, to include in the newsletter. We'd make
it a featured item in the newsletter for this next PAS Year (Sept to May

Does anyone want to work on this kind of item and submit them to me for the

You can make it as simple or as complex as you want.


Another idea is to look up astronomy stuff, and write a brief article...
maybe start with a question about something current that is happening, and
then write about it, as far as what you find on the internet and in other
news sources, and put that in the Newsletter.


I got to thinking, most of our newsletter is reviews of events we have done,
with photos, which is great, because we are using it as a way to keep a
historic account of what PAS has done, but it is mostly reviews, and not much
in the way of news to share. Leah's article about the Planets, and what's up,
is great, but she doesn't always have time to make that article get in the
newsletter each month, so this would be some additional info that would be
awesome to have in the newsletter.

We still need the reviews and photos of those events we did, but it would be
great to have something new for this year. And if it doesn't work out all
year long, we can drop it when it no longer fits the need. I just wanted
something new this year... for the newsletter. We need more people reading
the newsletter. It will also make the newsletter more searchable if we are
talking about current events.

Send me some ideas you have for improving the newsletter and then let's put
it to action.
Many thanks for the input I got from some of you, about this idea.

Terri, Event Coordinator

Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society <http://www.pasaz.org/> Event Coordinator
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