Re: which patch wizard tool is more accurate

  • From: Niall Litchfield <niall.litchfield@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jpiwowar@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 08:04:20 +0100

What follows may not apply to 12 or versions of 11i from the last 2 years,
but I found that the OAM Patch Wizard was a necessary but not sufficient
first step for carrying out patch dependency analysis. It, as John says,
identifies pre reqs, but I found that it didn't necessarily identify *all*
pre reqs and *rarely* identified pre reqs that were not appropriate. My
approach was to run the wizard and use the report as a checklist against the
readmes that you'll need to read anyway. FWIW it seems likely to me that
where it failed it was probably a failure of the developer of the patch to
update the metadata properly.

On 6 Aug 2010 07:34, "John Piwowar" <jpiwowar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


This is not really a question of accuracy.  All of these tools serve
different purposes.  The script simply tells you what family
packs and minipacks are installed on your system, and whether there are
updated versions.  You didn't mention how you are using the OAM patch
wizard, so those results are less clear.  If you were using it to evaluate a
patch and determine its prerequisites, then the patch wizard is probably
just doing its job: telling you that patch 4229931 (AD.I.2) is a
prerequisite for another patch.  The OAM patch wizard won't necessarily
ignore a prerequisite if it's already installed.


John P.

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 8:04 AM, Subodh Deshpande <deshpande.subodh@xxxxxxxxx>
> Hi List,

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