RE: help with batch operation

  • From: Eugene Pipko <eugene.pipko@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: 'chet justice' <chet.justice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 15:41:54 -0700

Thanks Chet,
I actually like the first approach, where I can alter table location.
So, is this how it would be done?
Procedure alter_table_p (vNew_loc in varchar2)
                Execute immediate 'alter table ORIG_TABLE location (:x)' using 


Eugene Pipko
Seattle Pacific Industries
office: 253.872.5243
cell: 206.304.7726
P  Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

From: chet justice [mailto:chet.justice@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 3:11 PM
To: Eugene Pipko
Cc: Oracle L
Subject: Re: help with batch operation

The file name can change, but you have to use DDL to do so:

ALTER TABLE table_name LOCATION ( 'new_file_name.csv' );

I found that out the hard least it was in dev.  I did something like 
this previously for a DW environment.

Part I<> and Part 

Essentially what you need to do, is create a simple java class that can read 
the contents of your directory,

wrap that up in a PL/SQL Stored procedure then loop through the directory 

I think your best option, to avoid DDL, is to rename the file in the directory 
using a combination of Java (directory contents)

and UTL_FILE to rename the file to some "common" name you choose.  You can 
utilize the same methodology to move

the files after you have completed processing.

Hope this helps.


 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Eugene Pipko 
<eugene.pipko@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:eugene.pipko@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

Hi all,

Running Oracle 9.2 on Windows.

I know this is Oracle forum, but it's somewhat related. This question is for 
those of you who run Oracle on Windows.

I have several ".txt" files in a directory (all different names) and looking 
for the possibility to do the following using .BAT file:

1.       Take first file

2.       rename it

3.       run procedure (pass it in)

4.       move it into archive dir

5.       delete it from original dir

6.       GOTO 1

Reason I have to do all this is because in step 3 I am using external table to 
read the ".txt" file and it has to have a unique file name.


Eugene Pipko

Seattle Pacific Industries

office: 253.872.5243

cell: 206.304.7726

P  Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

chet justice<>

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