RE: Rebuild Indexes

  • From: "Senthil Kumar" <senthilkumard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 15:42:35 +0530

Hi Jonathan

I got the script from metalink. :-(

Thanks for you advices. :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Jonathan Lewis
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 3:05 PM
To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Rebuild Indexes

Is this the script that comes off Metalink ?

There are a number of flaws that need to be
highlighted - most significantly the warnings
that point out
    the impact this will have on a production system,
    the idiocy of changing a b-tree to a bitmap on an OLTP system,
    the absence of any references to partitioned indexes,
    the possibility that the level is exactly what is ought to be for very
large indexes,
    the importance of timing when considering deleted rows

    The VALIDATE option effectively locks the underlying table.
    You can include the ONLINE option, but then the INDEX_STATS
    structure is not populated.

    The VALIDATE command takes a long time on a large index,
    and will do a lot of I/O.

    The suggestion that an index is a candidate for being
    turned into a bitmap in an OLTP system is remarkably
    stupid unless (a) the table is in a read-only tablespace,
    or (b) the table is going to have virtually no single row
    inserts or deletes, or updates to the indexed column.
    Bitmap indexes introduce massive concurrency and
    deadlock problems and tend to grow catastrophically
    if you are doing lightweight DML on the table.

    If you analyze a partitioned index, the only statistics you
    capture in INDEX_STATS are the statistics for the last
    partitioned (or sub-partition) analyzed.

    Although the script chooses height > 5 as a benchmark
    for rebuilds, and you have to have quite a large table for
    the 'correct' height for an index to be 5, an arbitrary
    choice of height is a bad idea.  Think about this:
    if the index did not need to be rebuilt, then the mistake
    is a really BIG one, because it will start, and end, as
    a really BIG index.  (In passing, for an 8K block size
    and an 80 byte key, you can get an index to height 6
    on just over 120,000,000 rows).

    If you rebuild regularly on 20% deleted rows, you could
    be rebuilding at just the right time for (a) wasting your
    effort, and (b) introducing a performance problem.
    For random data patterns, Oracle tends to re-use space
    from deleted entries quite effectively. You have to know
    your application to be certain that this 'magic' 20% really
    is space that won't be re-used, and that it really will
    improve performance.  (There's an article of mine on that gives an example of the sort of
    thing that can make this a counter-productive operation).
    Another little drawback to the 20% rule is that it doesn't
    tell you whether you need to use the rebuild command,
    or the coalesce command, for the most effective way
    of cleaning things up.

I've never got round to writing a script for it, but one
starting point is simply:  is the index much larger than
it should be. To check this:
    For each B-TREE index
        check columns used in user_ind_columns
        check average length of columns in user_tab_columns

        sum the average column lengths,
        add the number of columns plus 10

        multiply by the number of rows in the index

        Multiply by 1/0.69, on the basis that the steady
        state for a random insertion b-tree index will be
        about 69% according to published papers on
        fringe analysis.

        Your b-tree index should be about this size

This is very much a ball-park figure, and does not cater
properly for globally partitioned indexes, cluster indexes,
space taken by branch blocks (typically less than 2% on
an 8K block size), compression, multi-column indexes where
the distribution of nulls across the columns is very variable.

For indexes which are much larger than this, you may want
to spend a little time investigating how the index is used,
and why it might be larger than expected, and whether a
rebuild will (a) reclaim useful space or (b) improve performance.


Jonathan Lewis

  The educated person is not the person
  who can answer the questions, but the
  person who can question the answers -- T. Schick Jr

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Senthil Kumar" <senthilkumard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 8:59 AM
Subject: RE: Rebuild Indexes


You can use this script.

Senthil Kumar.

REM                         rebuild_indx.sql
REM =============================================================

ACCEPT spoolfile CHAR prompt 'Output-file : ';
ACCEPT schema CHAR prompt 'Schema name (% allowed) : ';
prompt Rebuild the index when :
prompt   - deleted entries represent 20% or more of the current entries
prompt   - the index depth is more then 4 levels.
prompt Possible candidate for bitmap index :
prompt   - when distinctiveness is more than 99%
spool &spoolfile

set serveroutput on
set verify off
 c_name        INTEGER;
 ignore        INTEGER;
 height        index_stats.height%TYPE := 0;
 lf_rows       index_stats.lf_rows%TYPE := 0;
 del_lf_rows   index_stats.del_lf_rows%TYPE := 0;
 distinct_keys index_stats.distinct_keys%TYPE := 0;
 cursor c_indx is
  select owner, table_name, index_name
  from dba_indexes
  where owner like upper('&schema')
    and owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM');
 dbms_output.enable (1000000);
 dbms_output.put_line ('Owner           Index Name
% Deleted Entries Blevel Distinctiveness');
('--------------- --------------------------------------- -----------------
------ ---------------');

 for r_indx in c_indx loop
  DBMS_SQL.PARSE(c_name,'analyze index ' || r_indx.owner || '.' ||
                 r_indx.index_name || ' validate
  ignore := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(c_name);

  select HEIGHT, decode (LF_ROWS,0,1,LF_ROWS), DEL_LF_ROWS,
         decode (DISTINCT_KEYS,0,1,DISTINCT_KEYS)
         into height, lf_rows, del_lf_rows, distinct_keys
  from index_stats;
-- Index is considered as candidate for rebuild when :
--   - when deleted entries represent 20% or more of the current entries
--   - when the index depth is more then 4 levels.(height starts counting
from 1 so > 5)
-- Index is (possible) candidate for a bitmap index when :
--   - distinctiveness is more than 99%
  if ( height > 5 ) OR ( (del_lf_rows/lf_rows) > 0.2 ) then
    dbms_output.put_line (rpad(r_indx.owner,16,' ') ||
rpad(r_indx.index_name,40,' ') ||
                          lpad(round((del_lf_rows/lf_rows)*100,3),17,' ') ||
                          lpad(height-1,7,' ') ||
lpad(round((lf_rows-distinct_keys)*100/lf_rows,3),16,' '));
  end if;

 end loop;

spool off
set verify on

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