Oracle DR using storage remote replication

  • From: Rich J <rjoralist3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Oracle L <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2015 09:30:29 -0500

Hey all,

We're looking at some DR solutions for our systems that include Oracle
EE DBs on AIX with XIV storage. Two competing methods for
Oracle are Data Guard and XIV remote asynchronous mirroring.

From a technical recovery standpoint, I (hopefully) understand what's
involved using Data Guard. The storage is where I'm having troubles. I
have it in my head that we cannot guarantee that the Oracle instance on
the remote DR site can be brought up, due to possible consistency issues
with what may or may not be on the particular XIV blocks that are
shipped over. My gut tells me that we can only guarantee
restore/recovery of the RMAN-on-disk backups that the XIV would be
shipping along with the active database files.

Anyone have insight here? The cost of the DG replication (licensing the
standby) is compelling me to ask the fun question..


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