Re: ORA-12838 please : Is possible to append two times to the same table before doing a commit

  • From: Tanel Põder <tanel.poder.003@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 11:36:13 +0300


> I believe Oracle is enforcing this to guarantee consistency of the
> database.  I realise you are probably using the APPEND hint for
> reasons but is it really necessary?

Yes, when you're doing an insert in append mode, Oracle takes an exclusive
lock on the table and inserts rows above high-water-mark, without raising
the highwatermark itself. HWM is risen to appropriate position when you
commit, so when you rollback, the HWM is just left where it was before.

I don't see a reason why the same session shouldn't be able to do several
consecutive direct load inserts on a table, but I might have missed
something, or Oracle just hasn't implemented this improvement yet...


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