Re: Dataguard secondary archive apply

  • From: "David Barbour" <david.barbour1@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: vincent.verpoort@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2006 16:56:42 -0400

First, as folks have suggested, you need to have(as a minimum) the following
parameters in the init<SID>.ora file on the primary and standby:

On the Primary:

# ==========
# Parameters for DataGuard/Standby database
# ==========

log_archive_dest_1       = 'LOCATION=<Primary Archivelog Destination>'
log_archive_dest_2       = 'SERVICE=<Standby SID>'
log_archive_dest_state_1 = enable
log_archive_dest_state_2 = defer    # Change to enable after confirming
standby destination is valid

remote_archive_enable = true

fal_server = PR1
fal_client = DR1
standby_archive_dest='<Standby Archivelog Destination>'
standby_file_management = auto      #Optional - but very handy

On the Standby:

# ==========
# Parameters for DataGuard/Standby database
# ==========

log_archive_dest_1       = 'LOCATION=/oracle/PR1/oraarch'
log_archive_dest_state_1 = enable

remote_archive_enable = true

fal_server = PR1
fal_client = DR1
standby_file_management = auto

The database needs to be in managed recovery mode to automatically apply the
logs as previously noted.

On the standby:

1.    Startup nomount pfile='<Location of Standby init<SID>.ora file'

2.    Alter database mount standby database;

3.    Alter database recover managed standby database disconnect;

If the FAL Server/Client thing isn't happening, you can manually register the archivelogs with the command:

ALTER DATABASE REGISTER LOGFILE '<Fully qualified location and file name of
the archivelog>';

On 8/7/06, Vincent verpoort <vincent.verpoort@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Good morning,afternoon,night

I'm having some problem with a dataguard setup. I never worked much with
dataguard so maybe someone can help me. I have been looking on google but
can not find anything.

My secondary is running behind in archive files

i coupyed them over but it doesend apply them by it self, altough i read
that FAL *should* resolve this.

this is not happaning

the files are on the server now how do i apply the archives so its back at
the latest one

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