[opendtv] Re: 30 ft requirement

  • From: "Cliff Benham" <cliff.benham@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 12:59:37 -0400

Bert, what you say is just wrong!

If you think the American public will put up with "indoor antennas =
[that] *can* work, under
the right circumstances" you weren't paying attention when CBS and Dish =
disagreed on carriage.

People were up in arms over it when they couldn't see their shows and =
the problem got fixed in one day.

Television is entertainment and information everyone just expects to be =
there. If there is a problem,
it's a huge problem for the broadcaster, and it better get fixed fast.=20

If you think for a minute that iffy digital reception, pictures freezing =
and disappearing all together=20
will pass muster compared to what the public has now you are way out of =

I've been working in television stations for 40 years and I can assure =
you digital television reception=20
will have to improve a whole lot to equal the reliability of analog.

People just will not put up with the current digital reception =
UNreliability, and it doesn't matter what=20
the cause is, they don't care. They expect it to be fixed and working =
properly immediately.


-----Original Message-----
From: opendtv-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:opendtv-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Manfredi, Albert E
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 12:08 PM
To: opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [opendtv] Re: 30 ft requirement

Cliff Benham wrote:

> If what you write is true and outdoor antennas are commonplace
> in europe, then why the hell do we expect indoor types to work
> over here?

Because both here and there, indoor antennas *can* work, under
the right circumstances. One problem with indoor antennas in
European cities is that people tend to live in multi-unit
apartment buildings, the newer ones of which are made of
reinforced concrete. This makes it an iffy proposition to
get ghost-free signals indoors.

> If the US has much worse field strength uniformity than in
> europe how can we possibly expect little indoor antennas to
> work when they don't have a chance compared to an outdoor
> type mounted on a 30 ft pipe?
> Magic?

Cliff, we're talking about people making a big deal out of
small differences. People in Europe who live as far as you
do from an urban area will universally rely on outdoor yagis
(log periodics, if you prefer).

On the other hand, we use an indoor antenna very effectively
for our upstairs system, for stations that are typically
within about 15 miles away, or one as far as 31 miles distant.

Things aren't nearly as different as some posts imply.

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