[openbeosmediakit] Re: Media prefs

  • From: Jérôme Duval <korli@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeosmediakit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 12:38:39 +0100

Selon Axel Dörfler <axeld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > My current problem is waiting for the media_server launch completion, 
> > i tried to send it a message with some timeout (2 seconds for 
> > deliver, 2
> > seconds for reply), but it answers very quickly. What should i do ? I 
> > think
> > media_server should postpone its reply until launch completion. Is it 
> > a 
> > good practice ?
> What does the R5 server do?

in R5 launch_media_server sends a BMessage through a BMessenger with the 
signature of media_server with these timeout settings. i don't know exactly 
media_server  does with it. It should receive the message and handle it. It 
can't block its loop until the launch is completed, maybe it sets up a 
BMessageRunner to submit again the BMessage for handling it again later when 
launch is complete. I don't know either when we can say the launch is complete. 
I should take a look at what notifications do exactly.

> > Yes, it seems a good pseudo code. It's just the notifications in 
> > media 
> > server seem not implemented. So feeding the port should be tricky. 
> > We could start with a thread with several snooze calls though :)
> Sure - just set the timeout low enough :)
> Anyway, I think the server side of things is very easy to do; it just 
> have to store the reply port, and send messages to it while it is 
> shutting down its different components.

I'm not sure about the easiness. Do you mean there should be a mean to set the 
reply port and then B_QUIT_REQUESTED the media_server ? It should do the trick 


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