[ola] Re: Spanish today

  • From: Nanosh Lucas <nanoshlucas@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "ola@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ola@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 14:45:11 -0700


I had an unknown sub do an OLA lesson w/the students in all my classes. One 
class totally derailed the lesson. I was so angry that I brought out the 
textbooks. I told students, "thank you for respecting this lesson, even though 
you don't like it." (Sort of the lesson, isn't it?)

I have to tell you, teaching out of the textbook was so easy I barely felt like 
I was working. Aside from students whining, "How long are we going to learn 
like this?" Two students complemented the lesson. I spoke plenty of English. It 
was awesome. The students know that I am irritated. I am trying to hold on to 
the advice my principal gave me last year, which was basically something like, 
"Don't ever lose your spirit." With that book, though, I don't have to care 
anymore. It feels nice to detach like that for a minute. I also realized I can 
teach a whole lot better with that thing than I could when I started. It was a 
pretty good textbook lesson.

Hope you are all dealing with your struggles better than me.



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