[ola] Re: Performance Assessm. - Do you have to answer all the questions?

  • From: Eliza Pfeifer <epfeifer@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ola@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 14:38:31 -0700

Also, to record students I generally have them use vocaroo.com and email me
the result.  It is sooo esay!  Othertimes, they make videos individually or
in groups and share them with me on drive.  Google has made the world

On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Eliza Pfeifer <epfeifer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Warren!  So sorry that I didn't respond to this thread.  Sometimes there
> are so many emails, that I jsut didn;t see this one.  You share some really
> great materials here!  And yes, I give them the questions in target
> language, but haven't always!
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 8:42 AM, Warren Billings <
> wbillings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> All,
>> I've shared the Google folder that is shared with my students. It
>> includes my assessments so far for this year and the most recent
>> rubric. I've shared these not as exemplars but to share my growth regarding
>> performance assessments.
>> They are a work in progress and as you can see they evolve each time to
>> more accurately measure proficiency in a student-centered environment.
>> I just participated in a Performance Assessment work day with Jim LeBaron
>> and Michelle Lewison where we had a consultancy protocol regarding
>> performance assessment.
>> In that meeting we talked about possibly videotaping our classes so that
>> students can watch and self assess their interpersonal communication
>> proficiency. I am looking into the legal logistics regarding posting videos
>> of students to a Google classroom. I am excited about this possibility to
>> assess spontaneity in a second language experience
>> ​​​
>>  Spanish Class Folders
>> <https://docs.google.com/a/pittsfieldnhschools.org/folderview?id=0B2IaLgtjIsuTSWV3UDZBdUV2Q0E&usp=drive_web>
>> ​
>> On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 9:18 AM, Warren Billings <
>> wbillings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Oh, and I love the idea of averaging the assessments until quarter or
>>> semester ends. You are so right that some proficiency levels drop with some
>>> topics and then come back up.
>>> How do we assess their growth before the end of quarter or semester?
>>> Maybe it's sufficient that a learner is discussing different topics and
>>> broadening their vocabulary at roughly the same proficiency level. So the
>>> rubric wouldn't change until quarter ends, just what is being talked about.
>>> Then next quarter the proficiency expectation is bumped up.
>>> I have a Teacher Workshop day today and will be developing my rubrics so
>>> I'll be sure to share out at the end of the day.
>>> Happy Friday!
>>> On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 9:13 AM, Warren Billings <
>>> wbillings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> I love the idea of your open ended questions, that makes so much sense!
>>>> Do you give them the prompts in English? I have been trying to make all
>>>> my prompts in Spanish but it's difficult because my novices (MS+HS) can't
>>>> understand complete sentences.
>>>> Even my Sp. III students (NH right now) have not understood all the
>>>> questions which is to be expected since some of the Q's are from their
>>>> journal work and some are not.
>>>> Here are my assessments so far. Much to improve! They are too specific,
>>>> narrow focused, too high a proficiency level to understand, etc.​
>>>>  Assessments + Rubrics
>>>> <https://docs.google.com/a/pittsfieldnhschools.org/folderview?id=0B2IaLgtjIsuTR2dnM21ybVhKYzA&usp=drive_web>
>>>> ​
>>>> I like the idea of open ended questions in L1... I will be thinking
>>>> about this until our next assessment.
>>>> On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 7:05 PM, Eliza Pfeifer <epfeifer@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> You are correct.  They will definitely not remember all the vocab.
>>>>> The trick is to make your questions open ended, maybe give a few prompting
>>>>> questions if needed.
>>>>> Here are a few of my assessment questions from this week.
>>>>> Compare your life in the summer to your life in the fall. Which season
>>>>> do you prefer and why?
>>>>> How do you feel in the fall? Why do you feel that way / When do you
>>>>> feel that way?
>>>>> We certainly had vocabulary come up in the week that did not go with
>>>>> these questions, but somehow kids work them in.  Someone told me they are
>>>>> afraid in the fall because their dad has a beard and does not in the
>>>>> summer.  Afraid and beard were vocab words that were important to here
>>>>> while other students talked about feeling stressed or excited or nervous
>>>>> and went on to explain why.  All students could show proficiency in their
>>>>> own ways.
>>>>> What might help with the grades is not eliminating prior grades until
>>>>> the end of the quarter.  Sometimes, proficiency levels drop as students
>>>>> integrate new vocab and grammar.  At the end you could give a more
>>>>> comprehensive test with multiple questions that could replace all the 
>>>>> check
>>>>> point grades.
>>>>> Does this help?
>>>>> On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 8:25 AM, Warren Billings <
>>>>> wbillings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> I am struggling to understand performance and how it fits into the
>>>>>> students' control of the class vocabulary.
>>>>>> Right now I'm grading students performances based on proficiency.
>>>>>> Each new performance assessment overwrites the old one. So their writing
>>>>>> may have met expectations last week but they need to meet the expectation
>>>>>> this week to pass. Each week is progressively harder. Assessments are
>>>>>> closed notes.
>>>>>> Right now the students do not have to answer all the questions to
>>>>>> earn a meets expectations grade. For example, the student can write about
>>>>>> only one topic covered that week and still get an "A" if he writes in
>>>>>> complete sentences in Spanish II.
>>>>>> I think it's great that the students are able to use the topic they
>>>>>> are most passionate about or that stuck with them most to show their
>>>>>> writing proficiency.
>>>>>> It's great that they don't have to understand all the vocab words on
>>>>>> the day they are assessed but are able to slowly figure it out through
>>>>>> contextual usage.
>>>>>> Is it an issue that they aren't held accountable for all the vocab
>>>>>> words? It shouldn't have to be at a certain time because everyone
>>>>>> understands words at different paces. For example the kid that broke his
>>>>>> thumb playing basketball sure remembers how to say "I broke my thumb." 
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> it doesn't always stick for someone who has never broken a bone.
>>>>>> Is it important that they are eventually assessed on how to say
>>>>>> specific vocab. words like "I broke"? Or is it enough that they are able 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> talk about *something* each week to show their proficiency. Maybe
>>>>>> eventually use "I broke" later on in the year?
>>>>>> Please let me know what you think. These are ideas and systems that I
>>>>>> have developed after "Dilemma Consultancies" with  teachers at the i3
>>>>>> conference and East Coast Bootcamp.
>>>>>> Have I gone too far? Should I assess students on every little vocab
>>>>>> word covered in class?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Warren Billings
>>>>>> Spanish Teacher
>>>>>> Pittsfield Middle High School
>>>>>> Pittsfield, NH
>>>>>> Telephone: (603) 435-6701 x4226
>>>>> --
>>>>> Eliza Pfeifer
>>>>> Spanish Instructor  | St. Mary’s Academy
>>>>> _________________________________
>>>>> 4545 S. University Blvd., Englewood, CO 80113
>>>>> 303.762.8300 x 393 | fax: 303.783.6201 | epfeifer@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> <jwimbish@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> --
>>>> Warren Billings
>>>> Spanish Teacher
>>>> Pittsfield Middle High School
>>>> Pittsfield, NH
>>>> Telephone: (603) 435-6701 x4226
>>> --
>>> Warren Billings
>>> Spanish Teacher
>>> Pittsfield Middle High School
>>> Pittsfield, NH
>>> Telephone: (603) 435-6701 x4226
>> --
>> Warren Billings
>> Spanish Teacher
>> Pittsfield Middle High School
>> Pittsfield, NH
>> Telephone: (603) 435-6701 x4226
> --
> Eliza Pfeifer
> Spanish Instructor  | St. Mary’s Academy
> _________________________________
> 4545 S. University Blvd., Englewood, CO 80113
> 303.762.8300 x 393 | fax: 303.783.6201 | epfeifer@xxxxxxxxxx
> <jwimbish@xxxxxxxxxx>


Eliza Pfeifer

Spanish Instructor  | St. Mary’s Academy


4545 S. University Blvd., Englewood, CO 80113

303.762.8300 x 393 | fax: 303.783.6201 | epfeifer@xxxxxxxxxx

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