[obol] lots of migrants; Tillamook Am. Avocet and Black Swifts

  • From: Christopher Hinkle <christopher.hinkle2@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: OBOL <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 23:25:19 -0700

We birded from Portland to Tillamook today for Birdathon. After a quick
stop in N. Portland for Yellow-headed Blackbird and Horned Lark, we headed
to Mt. Tabor where it was loaded with birds. Highlights included 2 Dusky
Flycatchers, several Lazuli Buntings, 40 Wilson's Warblers, 50 Western
Tanagers, 150 Townsend's Warblers, and 120 Warbling Vireos. At one point in
the south side of the park we watched as over 200 vireos and warblers
streamed overhead, allowing us to get a pretty good numbers estimate.

Washington County stops produced the typical species including a few
shorebirds and an American White Pelican at Fernhill Wetlands.

Weather was nasty at the coast, but apparently it brought down a bunch more
migrants. As was our experience throughout the day, there were lots of
migrants including Yellow Warblers, Lazuli Buntings, Wilson's Warblers,
tanagers, Warbling Vireos, etc. The N. Jetty of Tillamook yielded some
Sooty Shearwaters, a Marbled Murrelet, Wandering Tattler, and a nice flock
of warblers and Cassin's Vireo in the woods. At Rockaway Beach we found 17
BLACK SWIFTS cooperatively flying over Lake Lytle. Nehalem Meadows had
hundreds of swallows, 25 Whimbrel, a Western Kingbird, and Lazuli Buntings,
Yellow Warblers, pewees, and tanagers in the shrubs.

A little ways past Memaloose Boat Ramp on the south side of Tillamook Bay
we spotted a large shorebird way out,  towards Rain River. It was an
AMERICAN AVOCET, probably the same bird that has been seen nearby at
Bayocean Spit. Bayocean was pretty quiet, with only about 100 peeps, a
Black-bellied Plover, some phalaropes and Marbled Godwit along with 3
lingering Brant.

Good birding,

Christopher Hinkle, Adrian Hinkle, Em Scattaregia

Other related posts:

  • » [obol] lots of migrants; Tillamook Am. Avocet and Black Swifts - Christopher Hinkle