[obol] Winter visitors

  • From: Brandon Green <brandon.green18@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: OBOL <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2013 14:14:33 -0800

This morning, my first-of-the-season VARIED THRUSH made a brief appearance
in the neighbor's apple tree.  I also had a very white DOWNY WP that
appeared to be from an interior west population.  I wonder if the weather
is forcing individuals from Central OR into the Willamette Valley.

To answer Barbara's question about Fox Sparrows in the southern end of the
Valley, I have not noticed a difference in the seven years I've lived here.
 However, I've been hosting at least two WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS for the
past month or so.  That's four of the past five winters now.  They're
definitely becoming locally common in appropriate habitat (i.e., urban


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  • » [obol] Winter visitors - Brandon Green