[obol] Re: Possible Bronzed Cowbird ?

  • From: Shawneen Finnegan <shawneenfinnegan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx OBOL" <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 12:45:00 -0700


This doesn't look like either a Bronzed or a Shiny to me. The bill shape 
doesn't look like Bronzed, which is longer and thick at the base. They also 
tend to look fairly flat-headed, though this can change with head position. 
Overall Bronzed are a chunkier and even young males have somewhat of a 
ruff/cowl per BNA, though not as prominent as an adult.

According to BNA the breeding cycle of the northern subspecies of Bronzed is 
that they lay eggs between mid-April and the end of July with young from late 
April to early August. If this were a bird of the year, it would still be in a 
plumage similar to young Brown-headeds which is brown and streaky. So if it 
were a one-year old male the eye would be brownish-orange or orange-brown by 
now, similar to adult females. Adult males during the breeding season have 
crimson red eyes, which earned them their former common name "Red-eyed" 
Cowbird, which dull down during the non-breeding season.

During the period when I lead 3-4 tours per spring to the Dry Tortugas, we 
would see Brown-headed and Shiny Cowbirds side-by-side out at Fort Jefferson. 
Shiny Cowbirds look more like a Brewer's Blackbird in structure. They are not 
quite as thick-necked and their bills tend to be less conical/longer than 

There is a Facebook thread on the ABA site going on about this bird (which Alan 
Contreras started). Several have suggested it is a hypermelanistic Brown-headed 
Cowbird, which makes the most sense to me.

Shawneen Finnegan
Portland, OR

On May 31, 2013, at 11:24 AM, Larry McQueen wrote:

> How about a Shiny Cowbird, first-year?  The bird seems to have a black head 
> and underparts, brown upper.  The underpart plumage has worn off the brown 
> tips of the subadult and retained the rest of this plumage.  It has a dark 
> eye.
> Larry
> On May 30, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Jeff Gilligan wrote:
>> I think so…...If it is it has to be a young male moulting to adult plumage.  
>> If it is, I think it is the  aenus race rather than the form found in 
>> Arizona with which I am more familiar.  Maybe we are both missing something, 
>> but I have no idea what it could be otherwise.    Jeff
>> On May 30, 2013, at 9:59 PM, Greg Gillson <greg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Possible Bronzed Cowbird at Benson Pond on 5/28?
>>> http://www.pbase.com/gregbirder/image/150519360/original
>>> Quick glimpse and pic while looking for waterthruh. Forgot about it until 
>>> going through photos tonight.
>>> Greg

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