[obol] Boiler Bay

  • From: "Phil Pickering" <philliplc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 16:45:50 -0700

6:00-11:00 (5/3):
clear, wind N 10-25, swells 6-8

mixed species feeding/resting group of a few
to several thousand birds formed 7:00-8:00
and remained in view for duration

1000 Red-throated Loon
19000+ Pacific Loon (16000 in first hour before
     dropping almost immediately to only
     minor movement with 1000 parked)
1000 Common Loon (steady trickle for duration)
12 Red-necked Grebe (N)
40 Western Grebe
1 Short-tailed Shearwater (N)
8 Sooty Shearwater
25 Brown Pelican
90 Double-crested Cormorant
800 Brandt's Cormorant (feeding, S)
150 Pelagic Cormorant
8 Canada Goose
12+ Cackling Goose
1300 Brant
75 Greater White-fronted Goose
4 Northern Pintail
4 American Wigeon
20 Northern Shoveler
2 Blue-winged Teal (pair N)
15 Green-winged Teal
8 scaup sp.
20 White-winged Scoter
1000 Surf Scoter
7 Red-breasted Merganser
1 Merlin
300 Black-bellied Plover
2000+ Semipalmated Plover (low, steady avg. 8-10/min
          in close for most of duration, not sure how many
          moving at distance)
500 Whimbrel (steady small flocks migrating, not the
           usual dawn commuters)
1 Long-billed Curlew
80 Marbled Godwit (most with Whimbrel + a few singles and pure flocks to 6)
20 Black Turnstone
35 Ruddy Turnstone
49 Red Knot (flocks 23,6 + 20 mixed in flocks of other sp.)
30+ Sanderling
5000+ Dunlin (3-5% in Western flocks + numerous small
          pure flocks)
1000+ Least Sandpiper (probably low, at least a few in most
          close Western flocks + a few small pure flocks)
90000+ Western Sandpiper (densest in first hour but steady
          200-600/minute entire duration with small flocks
          continually in view, many moving out to 1.5 miles)
1700+ dowitcher sp.
40000+ Red-necked Phalarope (few early but increasing
           steadily, at times 500+/min after 9:00 with hundreds
           dropping in on feeding group)
1 Pomarine Jaeger
1100 Bonaparte's Gull (scattered flocks to 80, 10-20% imm)
800 California Gull (mixed ages N, increasing late)
20+ Herring Gull
2000+ Western Gull (trending N, hundreds feeding in group)
30+ Glaucous-winged Gull
700 Caspian Tern
15000+ Common Murre (dense N in first hour, gradually
         diminishing with 1000+ parked)
100 Pigeon Guillemot (most N)
3 Marbled Murrelet
900 Rhinoceros Auklet (feeding/N, densest in first hour)
3 Tufted Puffin (singles N)
30+ American Pipit several Savannah Sparrow

* obvious godwit flying N by itself 300-400 yards trailing small
group of Whimbrel & Marbled Godwit. Clearly slighter than
Marbled or Whimbrel, bill upturned with red-orange base
and darker tip, and long, but clearly less substantial and
shorter than Marbled. Head light brownish, upperwing mostly brownish darkest on the primary coverts but otherwise
no obvious patterning. Back light brownish with contrastingly
paler rump, uppertail even light brownish. Breast warm pale
buffy brownish becoming paler almost whitish on belly
and vent, underwing flashing very pale almost whitish with no
obvious patterning and with no hint of cinnamon tones
visible on Marbled at that distance.

I briefly checked from Spanish Head at 2:15 and saw a ton of
Phalaropes still moving but virtually nothing else.


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