[obol] Baskett-Ankeny birds

  • From: Alan Contreras <acontrer56@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: OBOL <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 14:58:58 -0700

I had an appointment in Polk Co. today so I made a quick check of Baskett
and Ankeny.  Lists are on ebird.

Highlights at Baskett included 5 stilts, 5 White Pelicans, a Lesser Legs,
flock of 300 or so American Goldfinches, YH Blackbird, Mitch Ratzlaff, Bill
Tice.  Savannah Sparrows largely gone, must be flocking elsewhere. Very few
peeps, lots of dows and legs.  I estimated 900 VG swallows over the marshes,
that's definitely a minimum.  A few dozen Barn and two Rough-wings.

Ankeny highlights (Eagle Marsh) included 32 Pied-billed Grebes in sight at
once, four bitterns and a strange mostly-submerged small black object that I
watched for a while until it turned and showed me its eye.  It was a male
Brewer's Blackbird that had been submerged up to its shoulders, quite odd.

Pintail Marsh is almost dry and offered one Greater legs and two Spotted

Alan Contreras
Eugene, Oregon

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