[obol] A few Coos Birds of Late

  • From: Tim Rodenkirk <garbledmodwit@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: OBOL <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 20:16:24 -0700 (PDT)

Nothing rare, pitch into the delete quickly if not interested...

N. Spit of Coos Bay on 8/19, old Weyco pond site:
one shorebird a Western Sandpiper- the habitat here has changed remarkably in 
10 years, not much left for shorebirds but I did see a SNOWY EGRET and a GREEN 

Today and the same site I had 3 juvie Red-necked Phalarope and a mystery 
shorebird overhead. There was a flock of 70 N. Shovelers and 30 Green-winged 
Teal, the first sizable flocks of these species this fall at the site.  I also 
saw a juvie Tree Swallow, easily mistaken for a Bank Swallow which I always 
check for, getting late for Tree Swallows, mostly gone by the end of the month 
(at least in Coos).

Had a Gray Jay pretty close to Myrtle Point today a few hundred feet up in a 50 
year old stand of Doug-fir, pretty unusual, they must wander a bit this time of 
year, I can't imagine them breeding in this location.  Lots of migrants 
passerines on the move, heard Wilson's Warblers (young ones) trying out there 
song today, always a little off key the first fall!

Yesterday, while out in the same area east of Myrtle Point, I had nighthawks 
calling at 1PM.  I have noticed this pattern for years. About this time in 
August the local nighthawks become very vocal mid-day (unusual here) or are 
maybe they are migrating nighthawks?  Anyhow, I never hear them mid-day until 
mid- August, this last a week or so, then nothing until next year.

Merry migration!
Tim R
Coos Bay

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