commit/placeMarkers: 3 new changesets

  • From: commits-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: nvda-addons-commits@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 07:04:20 -0000

3 new commits in placeMarkers:
Changeset:   d00bda918c04
Branch:      None
User:        norrumar
Date:        2013-10-28 08:00:09
Summary:     Updated to version 3.0-dev.

Affected #:  1 file

diff --git a/ b/
index 6455bf6..84c3a9f 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ addon_info = {
        # Translators: Long description to be shown for this add-on on 
installation and add-on information
        "addon-description" : _("Add-on for setting place markers on specific 
virtual documents"),
        # version
-       "addon-version" : "2.0",
+       "addon-version" : "3.0-dev",
        # Author(s)
        "addon-author" : "Noelia <nrm1977@xxxxxxxxx>, Chris 
        # URL for the add-on documentation support
Changeset:   1812d47f167b
Branch:      skimReading
User:        norrumar
Date:        2013-10-28 08:00:55
Summary:     Merge branch 'master' into skimReading

Affected #:  23 files

diff --git a/addon/doc/ar/ b/addon/doc/ar/
index df0b5bb..c62f9ad 100644
--- a/addon/doc/ar/
+++ b/addon/doc/ar/
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
-[[!meta title="placeMarkers"]]
+# placeMarkers #
 * مطورو الإضافة: Noelia, Chris.
-* رابط التحميل [الإصدار 1.0][1]
+* رابط التحميل [إصدار نهائي: 2.0][2]
+* رابط التحميل [إصدار تجريبي: 2.0-dev][2]
 تستخدم هذه الإضافة في حفظ أو البحث عن الكلمات أو العلامات المرجعية, على
 صفحات الإنترنت أو مستندات نمط التصفح ب NVDA. وتقوم الإضافة بحفظ الكلمات
-والعلامات المرجعية التي يتم البحث عنها في ملفات نصية. وتتطابق أسماء الملفات
-المحفوظة بهذه الكلمات والعلامات مع عناوين وروابط الصفحة أو المستند الذي يتم
-البحث بداخله.
+والعلامات المرجعية التي يتم البحث عنها في كائنات متعددة الأسطر، وفي هذه
+الحالة إذا تعذر عليك تحديث موضع مؤشر التحرير, فسيتم نسخ النص المتطابق إلى
+الحافظة, حتى يمكن البحث عنها باستخدام أدوات أخرى. تقوم الإضافة بحفظ كلمات
+البحث والعلامات المرجعية في ملفات نصية أو ملفات pickles.  وتتطابق أسماء
+الملفات المحفوظة بهذه الكلمات والعلامات مع عناوين وروابط الصفحة أو المستند
+الذي يتم البحث بداخله.
 يجب على من يستخدم هذه الإضافة أن يقوم بإزالة الإضافتين SpecificSearch و
 Bookmark إذا كان قد تم تنصيبهما, واللتان تم تطويرهما من قبل نفس مطور هذه
@@ -15,25 +19,19 @@ Bookmark إذا كان قد تم تنصيبهما, واللتان تم تطوي
 ## مفاتيح الاختصار: ##
-*      control+shift+NVDA+s; يقوم بفتح محاورة لحفظ كلمة تريد البحث عنها في
-  المستند الحالي. وتظهر هذه المحاورة الكلمة السابقة التي قمت بالبحث عنها من
-  قبل في هذا المستند بشكل افتراضي. إذا تم حذف هذه الكلمة, سيتم أيضا حذف
-  الملف النصي الذي يحتوي عليها.
-*      control+shift+NVDA+f; إذا كان المستند الحالي يحتوي على ملف نصي لكلمة 
-  سيقوم مفتاح الاختصار بفتح محاورة تظهر كلمة البحث هذه.عند الضغط على زر
-  الموافقة, سيقوم NVDA بالبحث عن النص الموضوع في مربع التحرير بالمحاورة. أما
-  إذا لم يتم العثور على ملف نصي بالمستند الحالي, سيعلن NVDA عن ذلك دون فتح
-  محاورة بحث.
-*      control+shift+NVDA+k; يحفظ المكان الحالي كعلامة مرجعية
-*      control+shift+NVDA+delete; يقوم بحذف العلامة المرجعية الحالية.
-*      control+shift+k; ينتقل إلى العلامة المرجعية التالية
+*      control+shift+NVDA+s;  يفتح محاورة تتيح لك حفظ كلمة تريد البحث عنها 
داخل المستند الحالي. وبشكل افتراضي, سيتم إظهار النص الذي تم حفظه من قبل لهذا 
الملف. قم بحذف هذا النص واضغط زر الموافقة إذا كنت تريد إزالة الملف النصي 
المتطابق مع كلمة البحث التي قمت بحفظها, أو ادخل نص جديد لإضافة ملف بحث آخر.
+*      control+shift+NVDA+f; يفتح محاورة بمربع تحرير تظهر آخر كلمة بحث قمت 
بإدخالها, كما يمكنك اختيار ملفات البحث التي قمت بحفظها من قبل من صندوق الخيارات 
واختيار الفعل المناسب الذي تريده من صندوق الخيارات التالي. إذا لم يتم العثور 
على ملفات لكلمات بحث للمستند الحالي, سيخبرك NVDA بذلك.
+*      control+shift+NVDA+k; يقوم بحفظ الموضع الحالي للمؤشر كعلامة مرجعية.
+*      control+shift+NVDA+delete; يحذف العلامة المرجعية المتطابقة مع الموضع 
الحالي للمؤشر.
+*      control+shift+k; ينتقل إلى العلامة المرجعية التالية.
 *      shift+NVDA+k; ينتقل إلى العلامة المرجعية السابقة.
-*      NVDA+k; يقوم بنسخ اسم الملف, دون الامتداد, الذي يمكن به حفظ العلامات
-  المرجعية (أماكنها أو كلمات البحث)
+*      NVDA+k; ينسخ اسم الملف, دون الامتداد, الذي سيتم فيه حفظ بيانات العلامات 
 ## العلامات المرجعية قائمة فرعية (NVDA+N) ##
-استخدام القائمة الفرعية علامات مرجعية, الموجودة بداخل قائمة التفضيلات, 
+استخدام القائمة الفرعية علامات مرجعية, الموجودة بداخل قائمة التفضيلات والتي
+تمكنك من الوصول إلى:
 *      مجلد كلمات البحث: يقوم بفتح المجلد الخاص بكلمات البحث التي قمت بحفظها من
@@ -42,17 +40,29 @@ Bookmark إذا كان قد تم تنصيبهما, واللتان تم تطوي
 *      نسخ مجلد العلامات المرجعية, يمكنك أخذ نسخة من المجلد الذي يحتوي على
   العلامات المرجعية التي قمت بحفظها.
 *      استرجاع العلامات المرجعية, يمكنك استرجاع العلامات المرجعية التي قمت 
-  من خلال من قبل.
+  من خلال مجلد قمت بحفظ العلامات المرجعية به مسبقا.
 *      ملف اقرأني, باللغة التي تحددها إذا كان الملف مترجم إليها, أو قراءة الملف
   باللغة الإنجليزية.
-ملحوظة: يعتمد مكان العلامة المرجعية على عدد الأحرف; في الصفحات ذات المحتوى
-المتغير يستحسن استخدام البحث, وليست العلامات المرجعية لحفظ مكان دقيق.
+ملحوظة: يعتمد مكان العلامة المرجعية على عدد الأحرف; لذا فإن الصفحات ذات
+المحتوى المتغير يستحسن استخدام البحث, وليست العلامات المرجعية لحفظ مكان
+## مستجدات الإصدار 2.0 ##
+* تم إضافات خيارات تسمح بحذف وحفظ كلمات بحث مختلفة لكل ملف على حدة.
+* معالجة خطأ برمجي كان يتسبب في كسر المسارات التي تحتوي على أحرف غير لاتينية
+* يمكن تخصيص اختصارات الإضافة باستخدام محاورة تخصيص اختصارات NVDA.
 ## مستجدات الإصدار 1.0 ##
 * نسخة مبدئية.
-* Translated into: Brazilian Portuguese, Farsi, Finnish, French, Galician,
-  German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Nepali, Portuguese, Spanish, Slovak,
-  Slovenian, Tamil.
+* هذه الإضافة مترجمة إلى: البرازيلية البرتغالية, والفنلندية, والفرنسية,
+  والغالية, والألمانية, والإيطالية, واليابانية, والكورية, والبرتغالية,
+  والإسبانية, والسلوفاكية, والسلوفينية, وتاميل.
+[[!tag dev stable]]

diff --git a/addon/doc/de/ b/addon/doc/de/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0248cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addon/doc/de/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Lesezeichen #
+* Autoren: Noelia, Chris.
+* [stabile version: 1.0][1] herunterladen
+* [Testversion: 2.0-dev][2] herunterladen
+Mit dieser Erweiterung können Sie innerhalb des Lesemodus von NVDA
+Suchanfragen oder Lesezeichen speichern Bzw. Suchläufe durchführen. Die
+Erweiterung kann auch dazu verwendet werden, Suchanfragen in mehrzeiligen
+Elementen zu starten und zu speichern. Wenn der Cursor nicht an die
+Fundposition gezogen werden kann, wird die Stelle in die Zwischenablage
+kopiert, sodass Sie den Text mittels anderer Tools suchen können. Die
+Lesezeichen und Suchanfragen werden dabei in Text- und «pickle»-Dateien
+gespeichert. Die Namen der Dateien richten sich dabei nach den Titeln der
+angezeigten Dokumente.
+Diese Erweiterung basiert auf SpecificSearch und Bookmark&Search. Aufgrund
+gemeinsam genutzter Tastenkombinationen und Funktionen sollten Sie diese
+beiden Erweiterungen deinstallieren
+## Tastenkombinationen: ##
+*      Steuerung+Umschalt+NVDA+s; öffnet einen Dialog, welcher es ermöglicht, 
einen Text zu speichern, den Sie im aktuellen Dokument suchen möchten. 
Standardmäßig wird der Text, der zuvor für diese Datei gespeichert wurde, 
angezeigt. Sie können diesen Text auch löschen und mit ok bestätigen, fals Sie 
das möchten.
+## Untermenü Sprungmarken (nvda+n) ##
+Über das Untermenü Sprungmarken (innerhalb der Einstellungen) können Sie auf
+folgende Elemente zugreifen:
+*      Suchanfragen: Öffnet einen Ordner, in dem zuvor gespeicherte 
+  abgelegt sind.
+*      Lesezeichen-Ordner; öffnet einen Ordner mit gespeicherten Lesezeichen
+*      Lesezeichen-Ordner kopieren; Speichert eine Kopie des 
+*      Lesezeichen wiederherstellen: Stellt die Lesezeichen aus einer zuvor
+  erstellten sicherung wieder her.
+*      Dokumentation: Zeigt die Dokumentation in der eingestellten Sprache an
+Anmerkung: Die Lesezeichen basieren auf der Position im Dokument (gezählt in
+Zeichen vom Dokumentanfang). Bei dynamischen Webseiten empfielt sich daher,
+stattdessen Suchanfragen zu verwenden.
+## Änderungen für 2.0 ##
+* Option hinzugefügt, verschiedene Suchbegriffe für jede Datei zu speichern
+  und zu löschen.
+* Fehler behoben, wenn Pfad-Angaben nichtlateinische Zeichen enthalten.
+* Tastenkombinationen können nun mittels des Eingaben-Dialogs von NVDA
+  geändert werden.
+## Änderungen für 1.0 ##
+* Erstveröffentlichung.
+* übersetzt in: brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Farsi, Finnisch, französisch,
+  Galizisch, deutsch, italienisch, japanisch, Koreanisch, Nepalesisch,
+  Portugiesisch, Spanisch, Slovakisch, Slovenisch, Tamil.
+[[!tag dev stable]]

diff --git a/addon/doc/es/ b/addon/doc/es/
index 2ceef40..4c7687c 100644
--- a/addon/doc/es/
+++ b/addon/doc/es/
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-[[!meta title="placeMarkers"]]
+# placeMarkers #
 * Autores: Noelia, Chris.
-* descarga [versión 1.0][1]
+* descarga [versión estable: 1.0][1]
+* descarga [versión de desarrollo: 2.0-dev][2]
 Este complemento se utiliza para guardar y buscar cadenas de texto
 específicas o marcas, en páginas web o en documentos en el modo navegación
@@ -15,26 +16,17 @@ las pulsaciones de teclado y las características en común.
 ## Órdenes de teclado: ##
-*      control+shift+NVDA+s; abre un diálogo para guardar una cadena de texto 
-  es posible que desees encontrar en el documento actual. Por defecto se
-  muestra el texto previamente guardado para este archivo. ;Si se elimina
-  este texto, también se eliminará el archivo de texto que contenga la
-  cadena correspondiente.
-*      control+shift+NVDA+f; Si el documento actual tiene un fichero de texto
-  para la búsqueda especificada, abre un diálogo que muestra la cadena de
-  texto guardada. Cuando pulses Aceptar, NVDA busca. Si no se ha encontrado
-  un fichero de texto para este documento, NVDA lo anuncia sin abrir el
-  diálogo Búsqueda Específica.
+*      control+shift+NVDA+s; Abre un diálogo que  te permite guardar una 
cadena de texto   que quieras encontrar en el documento actual. De forma 
predeterminada, se muestra el  texto guardado anteriormente para este fichero. 
Elimina este texto y pulsa el botón Aceptar si deseas borrar el fichero de 
texto correspondiente a la búsqueda guardada, o escribe texto nuevo para añadir 
otra búsqueda.
+*      control+shift+NVDA+f; Abre un diálogo con un cuadro de edición que 
muestra la última búsqeuda guardada; en este diálogo también puedes seleccionar 
las búsquedas guardadas anteriormente desde un cuadro combinado y elegir una 
acción desde el siguiente cuadro combinado. Si no hay archivos disponibles para 
la búsqueda específica en el documento actual, NVDA te advertirá de que no se 
encuentra ningún archivo para la búsqueda específica.
 *      control+shift+NVDA+k; Guarda la posición actual como una marca
-*      control+shift+NVDA+Suprimir; Elimina la marca correspondiente a esta
-  posición.
-*      control+shift+k; Se mueve a la siguiente marca.
-*      shift+NVDA+k; Se mueve a la marca anterior.
-*      NVDA+k; Copia el nombre del fichero al portapapeles, sin extensión, 
-  se podrían guardar marcas de lugar(posiciones o una cadena para buscar).
+*      control+shift+NVDA+suprimir; Elimina la marca correspondiente a esta 
+*      control+shift+k; Se desplaza a la siguiente marca.
+*      shift+NVDA+k; Se desplaza a la marca anterior.
+*      NVDA+k; Copia al portapaqpeles el nombre del fichero, sin extensión, 
donde guardará sus datos el place marker.
 ## Submmenú Place markers (NVDA+N) ##
 Utilizando el submenú Place markers, en el menú Preferencias, puedes acceder
@@ -51,10 +43,23 @@ Nota: La posición de la marca se basa en el número de 
caracteres; en páginas
 con contenido dinámico es mejor usar la búsqueda específica, y no las marcas
 para guardar una posición precisa.
+## Cambios para 2.0 ##
+* Añadidas opciones para guardar y eliminar diferentes búsquedas para cada
+  archivo.
+* Solucionado un problema que rompía cuando las rutas contenían caracteres
+  no latinos.
+* Los atajos de teclado ahora pueden reasignarse utilizando el diálogo de
+  Entrada de gestos de NVDA.
 ## Cambios para 1.0 ##
 * Versión inicial.
-* Translated into: Brazilian Portuguese, Farsi, Finnish, French, Galician,
-  German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Nepali, Portuguese, Spanish, Slovak,
-  Slovenian, Tamil.
+* Traducido a: Alemán, Coreano, Eslovaco, Esloveno, Español, Farsi,
+  Finlandés, Francés, Gallego, Italiano, Japonés, Nepalí, Portugués,
+  Portugués del Brasil, Tamil.
+[[!tag dev stable]]

diff --git a/addon/doc/fi/ b/addon/doc/fi/
index 991b20e..0b86b96 100644
--- a/addon/doc/fi/
+++ b/addon/doc/fi/
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
-[[!meta title="placeMarkers"]]
+# placeMarkers #
-* Tekijä: Noelia Ruiz Martinez
-* Lataa [versio 1.0][1]
+* Tekijät: Noelia, Chris
+* Lataa [vakaa versio: 1.0][1]
+* Lataa [kehitysversio: 2.0-dev][2]
 Tätä lisäosaa käytetään NVDA:n selaustilassa määrättyjen merkkijonojen tai
-kirjanmerkkien tallentamiseen ja etsimiseen verkkosivuilta tai
-dokumenteista.  Merkkijonot ja kirjanmerkit tallennetaan teksti- ja
-pickle-tiedostoihin. Näiden tiedostojen nimet perustuvat nykyisen dokumentin
-otsikkoon ja URL-osoitteeseen.
+paikkamerkkien tallentamiseen ja etsimiseen verkkosivuilta tai
+asiakirjoista. Sitä voidaan käyttää myös merkkijonojen tallentamiseen tai
+etsimiseen monirivisistä säätimistä. Mikäli järjestelmäkohdistimen
+siirtäminen ei ole tällöin mahdollista, hakua vastaava merkkijono kopioidaan
+leikepöydälle, jotta sitä voidaan etsiä muilla tavoilla.  Merkkijonot ja
+paikkamerkit tallennetaan teksti- ja pickle-tiedostoihin. Tiedostojen nimet
+perustuvat nykyisen asiakirjan nimeen ja URL-osoitteeseen.
 Tämä lisäosa perustuu saman tekijän kehittämiin SpecificSearch- ja
 Bookmark&Search-lisäosiin. Ne tulisi poistaa tämän version käyttämiseksi,
@@ -15,39 +19,41 @@ koska niissä on samoja näppäinkomentoja ja ominaisuuksia.
 ## Näppäinkomennot: ##
-*      Ctrl+Shift+NVDA+S: Avaa valintaikkunan, jossa voidaan etsiä haluttua
-  merkkijonoa nykyisestä dokumentista. Oletusarvoisesti näytetään tälle
-  tiedostolle aiemmin tallennettu teksti. Mikäli teksti poistetaan, myös
-  kyseisen merkkijonon sisältävä tekstitiedosto poistetaan.
-*      Ctrl+Shift+NVDA+F: Avaa tallennetun merkkijonon näyttävän 
-  mikäli nykyisellä dokumentilla on sivukohtaisen haun tekstitiedosto. NVDA
-  hakee valintaikkunan muokkausruutuun kirjoitettua tekstiä OK-painiketta
-  painettaessa. Mikäli kyseiselle dokumentille ei löydy tekstitiedostoa,
-  NVDA ilmoittaa siitä avaamatta sivukohtaisen haun valintaikkunaa.
-*      Ctrl+Shift+NVDA+K: Tallentaa nykyisen sijainnin kirjanmerkiksi.
-*      Ctrl+Shift+NVDA+Del: Poistaa kirjanmerkin nykyisestä sijainnista.
-*      Ctrl+Shift+NVDA+K: Siirtää seuraavaan kirjanmerkkiin.
-*      Shift+NVDA+K: Siirtää edelliseen kirjanmerkkiin.
-*      NVDA+K: Kopioi paikkamerkkejä (sijainnit tai etsittävän merkkijonon)
-  sisältävän tiedoston nimen leikepöydälle ilman päätettä.
+*      Control+Shift+NVDA+S: Avaa valintaikkunan, joka mahdollistaa nykyisestä 
asiakirjasta etsittävän merkkijonon tallentamisen. Oletusarvoisesti näytetään 
kyseiselle tiedostolle tallennettu teksti. Poista teksti ja paina 
OK-painiketta, mikäli haluat poistaa tallennettua hakua vastaavan 
tekstitiedoston, tai kirjoita uutta tekstiä lisätäksesi toisen haun.
+*      Control+Shift+NVDA+F: Avaa valintaikkunan, joka näyttää 
muokkausruudussa viimeksi tallennetun haun. Tässä valintaikkunassa voit myös 
valita yhdistelmäruudusta aiemmin tallennettuja hakuja sekä valita viereisestä 
yhdistelmäruudusta toimenpiteen. Mikäli nykyiselle asiakirjalle ei ole 
sivukohtaisen haun tiedostoja, NVDA varoittaa, että yhtään sivukohtaisen haun 
tiedostoa ei löydy.
+*      Control+Shift+NVDA+K: Tallentaa nykyisen sijainnin paikkamerkiksi.
+*      Control+Shift+NVDA+delete: Poistaa paikkamerkin nykyisestä sijainnista.
+*      Control+Shift+K: Siirtää seuraavaan paikkamerkkiin.
+*      Shift+NVDA+K: Siirtää edelliseen paikkamerkkiin.
+*      NVDA+K: Kopioi leikepöydälle paikkamerkkien tiedot sisältävän tiedoston 
nimen ilman päätettä.
 ## Paikkamerkit-alavalikko (NVDA+N) ##
-Asetukset-valikosta löytyvästä Paikkamerkit-alavalikosta pääsee käyttämään
+Asetukset-valikosta löytyvästä Paikkamerkit-alavalikosta pääset käyttämään
 seuraavia toimintoja:
 *      Sivukohtaisen haun kansio: avaa aiemmin tallennettujen sivukohtaisten
   hakujen kansion.
-*      Kirjanmerkkien kansio: avaa tallennettujen kirjanmerkkien kansion.
+*      Paikkamerkkien kansio: avaa tallennettujen paikkamerkkien kansion.
 *      Kopioi paikkamerkkien kansio: tallentaa kopion paikkamerkkien kansiosta.
-*      Palauta paikkamerkit: palauttaa kirjanmerkit aiemmin tallennetusta
+*      Palauta paikkamerkit: palauttaa paikkamerkit aiemmin tallennetusta
   paikkamerkkien kansiosta.
 *      Avaa ohjetiedoston nykyisellä kielellä tai englanniksi, mikäli käännöstä
   ei ole saatavilla.
-Huomautus: Kirjanmerkin sijainti perustuu merkkien lukumäärään. Muuttuvaa
-sisältöä sisältävillä sivuilla tarkan sijainnin tallentamiseen on parasta
-käyttää kirjanmerkkien sijaan sivukohtaista hakua.
+Huomautus: Paikkamerkin sijainti perustuu merkkien lukumäärään. Muuttuvaa
+sisältöä sisältävillä sivuilla on parasta käyttää tarkan sijainnin
+tallentavien paikkamerkkien sijasta sivukohtaista hakua.
+## Muutokset versiossa 2.0 ##
+* Lisätty vaihtoehdot eri hakujen tallentamiseksi ja poistamiseksi kullekin
+  tiedostolle.
+* Korjattu ohjelmavirhe, joka rikkoi lisäosan toiminnan, kun polut
+  sisälsivät muita kuin latinalaisia merkkejä.
+* Näppäinyhdistelmien uudelleenmäärittely on nyt mahdollista NVDA:n
+  syöte-eleet-valintaikkunaa käyttäen.
 ## Muutokset versiossa 1.0 ##
 * Ensimmäinen versio.
@@ -55,4 +61,8 @@ käyttää kirjanmerkkien sijaan sivukohtaista hakua.
   japani, korea, nepali, portugali, ranska, saksa, slovakki, slovenia, suomi
   ja tamili.
+[[!tag dev stable]]

diff --git a/addon/doc/fr/ b/addon/doc/fr/
index 8b71de3..4c10149 100644
--- a/addon/doc/fr/
+++ b/addon/doc/fr/
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
-[[!meta title="placeMarkers"]]
+# placeMarkers #
 * Auteurs : Noelia, Chris.
-* Télécharger : [Version 1.0][1]
+* Télécharger [Version stable : 1.0][1]
+* télécharger [la version de développement v 2.0-dev][2]
-This addon is used for saving and searching specific text strings or
-bookmarks, on web pages or documents in NVDA's browse mode.  The plugin
-saves the specified strings and bookmarks to text and pickle files. The name
-of these files is based on the title and URL of the current document.
+Ce module sert à sauvegarder et rechercher des chaînes de caractères ou des
+marqueurs spécifiques sur des pages web ou des documents en mode
+navigation. Le module sauvegarde les textes et les marqueurs spécifiés dans
+des fichiers. Le nom des fichiers est basé sur le titre et l'url du document
+en cours.
 Ce module est basé sur les modules SpecificSearch et Bookmark&Search,
 développés par le même auteur. Vous devrez les désinstaller avant
@@ -15,25 +17,17 @@ fonctionnalités communs.
 ## Touches de commandes : ##
-*      control+maj+NVDA+s; Ouvre un dialogue pour sauvegarder a une chaîne de
-  texte que vous désirez rechercher dans le document en cours. Par défaut,
-  le texte précédemment sauvegardé pour ce document est proposé. Si ce texte
-  est effacé, le fichier le contenant sera également effacé. 
-*      control+maj+NVDA+f; Si le document en cours a un fichier texte pour une
-  recherche spécifique, un dialogue s'ouvre affichant le texte
-  sauvegardé. Quand vous pressez "OK", NVDA lance la recherche. Si ce
-  document ne possède pas de fichier de recherche, NVDA l'annonce sans
-  ouvrir de dialogue.
-*      control+maj+NVDA+k; Sauvegarde la position courante comme marqueur
-*      control+maj+NVDA+effac; efface le marqueur correspondant à cette 
-*      control+maj+k; Va au marqueur suivant.
-*      maj+NVDA+k; Va au marqueur précédent.
-*      NVDA+k; Copie dans le presse-papier le nom du fichier sans extension 
-  lequel pourraient être sauvegardés les marqueurs (mosition ou chaîne à
-  rechercher).
+*      control+maj+NVDA+s ;. Ouvre une boîte de dialogue qui vous permet 
d'enregistrer une chaîne de texte que vous voulez trouver dans le document 
actuel. Par défaut, le texte précédemment enregistré pour ce fichier est 
affiché. Supprimer ce texte et appuyez sur le bouton OK si vous souhaitez 
supprimer le fichier texte correspondant à la recherche enregistrée, ou tapez 
un nouveau texte pour ajouter une autre recherche.
+*      Control+maj+NVDA + f ; ouvre une boîte de dialogue avec un champ 
d'édition qui indique la dernière recherche enregistrée, dans ce dialogue, vous 
pouvez également sélectionner les recherches précédemment sauvegardées à partir 
d'une zone de liste déroulante et choisir une action dans la liste déroulante 
suivante. S'il n'y a pas de fichiers disponibles pour la recherche spécifiée 
dans le document actuel, NVDA vous préviendra qu'il ne trouve pas un fichier 
pour la recherche spécifiée.
+*      Control+maj+NVDA + k ; Enregistre la position actuelle comme signet
+*      Control+maj+NVDA+Suppr ;. Supprime le signet correspondant à cette 
+*      Control+maj+k ;. Passe au signet suivant
+*      Maj+NVDA+k ;. Passe au signet précédent
+*      NVDA+k ;. Copies au presse-papiers le nom du fichier, sans extension, 
où la place des données de marqueurs seront sauvés
 ## Sous-menu des marqueurs (NVDA+N) ##
 En utilisant le sous-menu des marqueurs, dans le menu préférences, vous
 pouvez accéder à :
@@ -51,10 +45,22 @@ Note: la position du marqueur est basé sur le nombre de 
caractères. Dans les
 pages au contenu dynamique, il vaut mieux utiliser la recherche de texte
 spécifique pour marquer une position particulière.
+## Changements pour la version 2.0 ##
+* Ajout de la possibilité de sauvegarder et supprimer des recherches
+  différentes pour chaque fichier ajouté.
+* Correction d'un bug avec des chemins contenant des caractères non latins.
+* Les raccourcis peuvent désormais être réaffectés en utilisant la boîte de
+  dialogue des raccourcis de NVDA.
 ## Changements pour la version 1.0 ##
 * Première version
-* Translated into: Brazilian Portuguese, Farsi, Finnish, French, Galician,
-  German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Nepali, Portuguese, Spanish, Slovak,
-  Slovenian, Tamil.
+* Traduit en : Portugais Brésilien , Farsi, Finnois, Français, Galicien,
+  Allemand, Italien, Japonais, Coréen, Nepali, Portugais, Espagnol,
+  Slovaque, Slovène, Tamil.
+[[!tag dev stable]]

diff --git a/addon/doc/gl/ b/addon/doc/gl/
index 60d8db7..054c340 100644
--- a/addon/doc/gl/
+++ b/addon/doc/gl/
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-[[!meta title="placeMarkers"]]
+# placeMarkers #
 * Autores: Noelia, Chris.
-* descarga [versión 1.0][1]
+* descarga [versión estable: 1.0][1]
+* descarga [versión de desenrolo: 2.0-dev][2]
 Este complemento úsase para gardar e buscar cadeas de texto específicas ou
 marcas, en páxinas web ou en documentos no modo navegación do NVDA.  O
@@ -15,30 +16,22 @@ teñen os atallos de teclado e as características comúns.
 ## Ordes de teclado: ##
-*      control+shift+NVDA+s; Abre un diálogo para gardar unha secuencia de 
-  que podes querer atopar no documento actual. Por defecto, amósase o texto
-  gardado anteriormente para este ficheiro. ;Se ese texto se elimina, o
-  ficheiro de texto que contén a cadea correspondente tamén será eliminado.
-*      control+shift+NVDA+f; Se o documento actual ten un ficheiro de texto 
-  a busca específica, Abre un diálogo que amosa a cadea de texto
-  gardada. Cando premas Aceptar, NVDA busca o texto definido no cadro de
-  edición do cadro de diálogo. Se ningún arquivo de texto se atopa neste
-  documento, NVDA anúnciao sen abrir o diálogo de busca específica.
+*      control+shift+NVDA+s; Abre un diálogo que che permite gardar unha cadea 
de texto   que queres atopar no documento actual. De maneira predeterminada, 
amósase o texto gardado con anterioridade para este ficheiro. Elimina este 
texto e preme o botón Aceptar se desexas borrar o ficheiro de texto 
correspondente á busca gardada, ou teclea texto novo para engadir outra busca.
+*      control+shift+NVDA+f; abre un diálogo cun cadro de edición que amosa a 
última busca gardada; neste diálogo tamén podes selecionar as buscas gardadas 
con anterioridade dende un cadro combinado e escoller unha  acción dende o 
seguinte cadro combinado. Se non hai ficheiros dispoñibles para buscas 
específicas no documento actual, NVDA advertiráche de que non se atopa ningún 
ficheiro para busca específica.
 *      control+shift+NVDA+k; Garda a posición actual como unha marca
-*      control+shift+NVDA+Suprimir; Elimina a marca correspondente a esta
-  posición.
-*      control+shift+k; Móvese á seguinte marca.
-*      shift+NVDA+k; Móvese para á marca anterior.
-*      NVDA+k; Copia o nome do ficheiro ó portapapeis, sen extensión, onde
-  poderían ser gardados as marcas (posicións ou unha cadea a buscar.
+*      control+shift+NVDA+suprimir; borra a marca correspondente a esta 
+*      control+shift+k; Móvese cara a seguinte marca.
+*      shift+NVDA+k; Móvese cara a marca anterior.
+*      NVDA+k; Copia ó portapapeis o nome do ficheiro, sin extensión, onde 
gardará os datos place marker.
 ## Submenú Place markers (NVDA+N) ##
 Usando o submenú Place markers, no Menú Preferencias, podes acceder a
 *      Cartafol de busca específica:abre un cartafol de buscas específicas
   gardadas anteriormente.
-*      Cartafol de marcas, abre un cartafol de marcas gardados.
+*      Cartafol de marcas, abre un cartafol de marcas gardadas.
 *      Copiar cartafol marcas; podes gardar unha copia do cartafol de marcas.
 *      Restaurar marcas; Podes restaurar as túas marcas dende un cartafol 
   gardado anteriormente.
@@ -49,10 +42,23 @@ Nota: A posición da marca baséase no número de caracteres; 
en páxinas con
 contido dinámico é mellor usar a busca específica,e non as marcas para
 gardar unha posición precisa.
+## Cambios para 2.0 ##
+* Engadidas opcións para gardar e borrar diferentes buscas para cada
+  ficheiro.
+* Solucionado un problema que rompía cando as rutas contiñan caracteres non
+  latinos.
+* Os atallos de teclado agora pódense reasignar utilizando o diálogo xestos
+  de entrada do NVDA.
 ## Cambios para 1.0 ##
 * Versión inicial.
-* Translated into: Brazilian Portuguese, Farsi, Finnish, French, Galician,
-  German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Nepali, Portuguese, Spanish, Slovak,
-  Slovenian, Tamil.
+* Traducido ó: Alemán, Español, Eslovaco, Esloveno, Farsi, Finés, Francés,
+  Galego, Italiano, Coreán, Nepalí, Portugués, Portugués do Brasil, Tamil,
+  Xaponés.
+[[!tag dev stable]]

diff --git a/addon/doc/hu/ b/addon/doc/hu/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..587e3e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addon/doc/hu/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Könyvjelzők #
+* Készítők: Noelia, Chris.
+* [1.0 stabil verzió][1]  letöltése
+* [2.0 Fejlesztői változat][2]  letöltése
+Ez a kiegészítő különböző karakterláncok, vagy könyvjelzők mentésére, és
+keresésére használható dokumentumokban és internetes oldalakon, az nvda
+böngésző módjában. A bővítmény a meghatározott karakterláncokat és
+könyvjelzőket szöveges file-okba menti. A mentett file-ok neve mindig az
+aktuális dokumentum címe, vagy url-je lesz.
+Ez a kiegészítő a "SpecificSearch" és a "Bookmark&Search" bővítményekre
+épül, amiket ugyanezen bővítmény készítője fejlesztett. Ezeket ajánlott
+eltávolítani, amikor a "placemarkers"-t használjuk, hiszen ugyanolyan
+szolgáltatásokkal, és billentyűparancsokkal rendelkezik.
+## Billentyűparancsok: ##
+*      control+shift+NVDA+s; Opens a dialog that allows you to save a text 
string   you want to find in the current document. By default, the text 
previously saved for this file is shown. Delete this text and press Ok button 
if you wish to remove the text file corresponding to the saved search, or type 
new text to add another search.
+*      control+shift+NVDA+f; opens a dialog with a edit box that shows the 
last saved search; in this dialog you can also select the previously saved 
searches from a combo box and choose an action from the next combo box. If 
there is no available files for specific search in the current document, NVDA 
will warn you that it is not found any file for specific search.
+*      control+shift+NVDA+k; Saves the current position as a bookmark
+*      control+shift+NVDA+delete; Deletes the bookmark corresponding to this 
+*      control+shift+k; Moves to the next bookmark.
+*      shift+NVDA+k; Moves to the previous bookmark.
+*      NVDA+k; Copies to clipboard the file name, without extension, where the 
place markers data will be saved.
+## Helyjelzők almenü (az NVDA menüben) ##
+A könyvjelzők almenü elérhető A Beállítások almenüből. Itt a következőkhöz
+fér hozzá:
+*      Speciális keresési mappa: Megnyitja az elmentett speciális keresések
+  mappáját.
+*      Könyvjelzők mappa; Megnyitja az elmentett könyvjelzők mappáját
+*      A helyjelzők mappájának másolása
+*      Könyvjelzők visszaállítása; visszaállíthatja előzőleg elmentett
+  helyjelzőit egy mappából.
+*      Dokumentáció, a jelenleg használt nyelven (ha elérhető), vagy angolul.
+Megjegyzés: A könyvjelzők karakterszámot használnak. Dinamikus oldalak
+esetén eredményesebb a Speciális Keresés funkció használata.
+## A 2.0 verzió változásai ##
+* Added options to save and delete different searches for each file.
+* Fixed bug which broke when paths contained non latin characters.
+* Shortcuts can now be reassigned using the NVDA gesture input dialog.
+## Az 1.0 verzió változásai ##
+* Első kiadás
+* Lefordítva az alábbi nyelvekre: brazíliai portugál, perzsa, finn, francia,
+  galíciai, magyar, német, olasz, japán, kóreai, nepáli, portugál, spanyol,
+  szlovák, szlovén, tamil.
+[[!tag dev stable]]

diff --git a/addon/doc/it/ b/addon/doc/it/
index d32f172..3b14971 100644
--- a/addon/doc/it/
+++ b/addon/doc/it/
@@ -1,29 +1,67 @@
-# placeMarkers #
+# placeMarkers #
-Consente di cercare e salvare testo specifico o Segnaposti in pagine web o in 
documenti in Modalità Navigazione di NVDA. Il componente aggiuntivo salva la 
ricerca in file di testo e con estenzione pickle.
+* Autori: Noelia, Chris.
+* download [stable version: 1.0][1]
+* download [development version: 2.0-dev][2]
-Il nome di questi file è dato dalla pagina dove eseguiamo la ricerca. 
all'eseguire il comando di ricerca specifica si apre una finestra di dialogo 
dove viene visualizzata la ricerca corrispondente alla pagina, se si è salvato 
del testo in precedenza per il documento.
+This addon is used for saving and searching specific text strings or
+bookmarks, on web pages or documents in NVDA's browse mode. It can also be
+used for saving or searching strings of text in multi-line controls; in this
+case, if it's not possible to update the caret, the corresponding string
+will be copied to the clipboard, so that it can be searched using other
+tools.  The plugin saves the specified strings and bookmarks to text and
+pickle files. The name of these files is based on the title and URL of the
+current document.
-placeMarkers proviene da SpecificSearch and Bookmark&Search, sviluppato dalla 
stessa autrice. E' preferibile disinstallare questi ultimi prima di installare 
PlaceMarkers, poiché hanno comandi e caratteristiche comuni.
+Questo componente aggiuntivo è basato su due lavori precedenti,
+SpecificSearch e Bookmark and Search scritti dal medesimo autore. è
+assolutamente necessario disinstallarli entrambi per utilizzare il presente
+componente aggiuntivo, in quanto essi contengono funzioni e tasti rapidi che
+andrebbero in conflitto.
-## Comandi da tastiera: ##
+## Comandi rapidi: ##
-*      control+shift+NVDA+s; Apre una finestra di dialogo per salvare del 
testo di ricerca associato al documento attuale. Di default verrà mostrato la 
ricerca corrispondente al documento, se si elimina il testo dalla finestra di 
dialogo verrà eliminato anche il file corrispondente.
-*      control+shift+NVDA+f; se esiste un file di ricerca per il documento 
attuale, apre una finestra di dialogo con il testo precedentemente salvato. 
Premendo invio NVDA cerca il testo indicato nel campo di editazione. In caso 
non esiste nessun file di ricerca per il documento NVDA avvisa con un messaggio 
senza prire la finestra per la ricerca specifica.
-*      control+shift+NVDA+k; Salva la posizione attuale del cursore come 
-*      control+shift+NVDA+delete; Cancella il Segnaposto corrispondente alla 
posizione attuale.
-*      control+shift+k; Sposta il cursore al segnaposto seguente.
-*      shift+NVDA+k; Sposta il cursore al segnaposto precedente.
-*      NVDA+k; Riporta il nome del file, senza estensione, dove è stato 
salvato un segnaposto (posizione o testo della ricerca).
+*      control+shift+NVDA+s; Opens a dialog that allows you to save a text 
string   you want to find in the current document. By default, the text 
previously saved for this file is shown. Delete this text and press Ok button 
if you wish to remove the text file corresponding to the saved search, or type 
new text to add another search.
+*      control+shift+NVDA+f; opens a dialog with a edit box that shows the 
last saved search; in this dialog you can also select the previously saved 
searches from a combo box and choose an action from the next combo box. If 
there is no available files for specific search in the current document, NVDA 
will warn you that it is not found any file for specific search.
+*      control+shift+NVDA+k; Saves the current position as a bookmark
+*      control+shift+NVDA+delete; Deletes the bookmark corresponding to this 
+*      control+shift+k; Moves to the next bookmark.
+*      shift+NVDA+k; Moves to the previous bookmark.
+*      NVDA+k; Copies to clipboard the file name, without extension, where the 
place markers data will be saved.
-## Place markers Sottomenu (NVDA+N) ##
+## Sottomenu Segnaposto (NVDA+N) ##
-Dal menù Place markers , integrato al sottomenù Preferenze, si può accedere a: 
-*      Cartella ricerche specifiche; visualizza una cartella con le ricerche 
specifiche salvate.
-*      Cartella Segnaposti; visualizza la cartella dei Segnaposti salvati in 
-*      Copia la cartella Segnaposti; consente di salvare una copia della 
cartella Segnaposti.
-*      Ripristina Segnaposti; è possibile ripristinare la cartella Segnaposti 
da una copia salvata in precedenza.
-*      Guida all'uso, se disponibile nella lingua selezionata, in alternativa 
di default si aprirà la guida in inglese.
+Using Place markers submenu, under Preferences menu, you can access:
-Nota: la posizione del segnaposto è basata sul numero del carattere che 
occupa; in pagine con contenuto dinamico è preferibile utilizzare la ricerca 
specifica e non i segnaposti per salvare una posizione precisa.
+*      Cartella ricerche specifiche; Apre una cartella delle ricerche 
+  precedentemente salvate.
+*      Bookmarks folder; opens a folder of the saved bookmarks.
+*      Copiare cartella segnaposti; è possibile salvare una copia della 
+  segnalibri.
+*      Restore placeMarkers; you can restore your bookmarks from a previously
+  saved placeMarkers folder .
+*      File di documentazione, nella tua lingua selezionata, se disponibile, o 
+  inglese per impostazione predefinita.
+Note: The bookmark position is based on the number of characters; and
+therefore in pages with a dynamic content is better to use the specific
+search, and not the bookmarks which save a precise position.
+## Changes for 2.0 ##
+* Added options to save and delete different searches for each file.
+* Fixed bug which broke when paths contained non latin characters.
+* Shortcuts can now be reassigned using the NVDA gesture input dialog.
+## Cambiamenti nella 1.0 ##
+* Versione Iniziale.
+* Tradotto in: portoghese brasiliano, farsi, finlandese, francese,
+  galiziano, tedesco, italiano, giapponese, coreano, nepalese, portoghese,
+  spagnolo, slovacco, sloveno, tamil.
+[[!tag dev stable]]

diff --git a/addon/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/nvda.po 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15afe47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addon/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/nvda.po
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: placeMarkers 1.0-beta\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: nvda-translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxx\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-06-17 20:50+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-27 12:22+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@xxxxxx>\n"
+"Language: ar\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n"
+#. Translators: label of a dialog presented when installing this addon and 
placeMarkersBackup is found.
+msgid ""
+"Your configuration folder for NVDA contains files that seem to be derived "
+"from a previous version of this add-on. Do you want to update it?"
+msgstr ""
+"مجلد الإعدادات لديك يحتوي على ملفات تم استخراجها من نسخة أقدم من هذه "
+"الإضافة. هل تود تحديثه؟"
+#. Translators: title of a dialog presented when installing this addon and 
placeMarkersBackup is found.
+msgid "Install or update add-on"
+msgstr "تنصيب أو تحديث الإضافة"
+#. Translators: label of error dialog.
+#, python-format
+msgid "text \"%s\" not found"
+msgstr "النص \"%s\" غير موجود"
+#. Translators: title of error dialog.
+msgid "Find Error"
+msgstr "وقع خطأ"
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s copied to clipboard"
+msgstr "%s نقل إلى الحافظة"
+#. Translators: the name of addon submenu.
+msgid "P&lace markers"
+msgstr "ع&لامات مرجعية"
+#. Translators: the tooltip text for addon submenu.
+msgid "Bookmarks and Search menu"
+msgstr "العلامات المرجعية وقائمة البحث"
+#. Translators: the name for an item of addon submenu.
+msgid "&Specific search folder"
+msgstr "&مجلد بحث محدد"
+#. Translators: the tooltip text for an item of addon submenu.
+msgid "Opens the specific search folder"
+msgstr "فتح مجلد البحث المحدد"
+#. Translators: the name for an item of addon submenu.
+msgid "&Bookmarks folder"
+msgstr "&مجلد العلامات المرجعية"
+#. Translators: the tooltip text for an item of addon submenu.
+msgid "Opens the bookmarks folder"
+msgstr "فتح مجلد العلامات المرجعية"
+#. Translators: the name for an item of addon submenu.
+msgid "&Copy placeMarkers folder..."
+msgstr "&نسخ مجلد العلامات المرجعية"
+#. Translators: the tooltip text for an item of addon submenu.
+msgid "Backup of place markers"
+msgstr "عمل نسخة احطياطية من العلامات المرجعية"
+#. Translators: the name for an item of addon submenu.
+msgid "R&estore place markers..."
+msgstr "ا&ستعادة العلامات المرجعية"
+#. Translators: the tooltip text for an item of addon submenu.
+msgid "Restore previously saved place markers"
+msgstr "استعادة العلامات المرجعية المحفوظة مسبقا"
+#. Translators: the name for an item of addon submenu.
+msgid "Open &documentation"
+msgstr "فتح ملف المساعدة"
+#. Translators: the tooltip text for an item of addon submenu.
+msgid "Open documentation for current language"
+msgstr "فتح ملف المساعدة للغة الحالية"
+#. Translators: label of a dialog presented for copying place markers.
+msgid "Select a folder for copying your saved place markers"
+msgstr "اختيار مجلد لنسخ علاماتك المرجعية المحفوظة"
+#. Translators: label of error dialog shown when cannot copy placeMarkers 
+msgid "Folder not copied"
+msgstr "لم يتم نسخ المجلد"
+#. Translators: title of error dialog shown when cannot copy placeMarkers 
+msgid "Copy Error"
+msgstr "خطأ في النسخ"
+#. Translators: label of a dialog presented for restoring place markers.
+msgid "Select the place markers folder you wish to restore"
+msgstr "اختيار مجلد العلامات المرجعية المراد استعادته"
+#. Translators: label of a dialog presented to save or delete a string for 
specific search.
+msgid ""
+"Type the text you wish to save, or delete any text if you want to remove it "
+"from the previous saved searches"
+msgstr ""
+"اكتب النص الذي تود الاحتفاظ به أو احذف أي نص إذا أردت حذفه من نتائج البحث "
+"المحفوظة مسبقا. "
+#. Translators: title of a dialog presented to save a string for specific 
+msgid "Save text for specific search"
+msgstr "حفظ نص يتعلق ببحث معين"
+#. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
+msgid "Saves a text string for a specific search."
+msgstr "حفظ كلمة البحث"
+#. Translators: message presented when there is not file for specific search.
+msgid "File for specific search not found"
+msgstr "ملف بحث معين غير موجود"
+#. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
+msgid ""
+"finds a text string from the current cursor position for a specific document."
+msgstr "العثور على نص من موضع المؤشر الحالي بمستند معين. "
+#. Translators: message presented when a bookmark cannot be saved.
+msgid "Bookmark cannot be saved"
+msgstr "لا يمكن حفظ العلامة المرجعية"
+#. Translators: message presented when the current position was previously 
saved as a bookmark.
+msgid "This position was already saved"
+msgstr "قد تم حفظ هذا الموضع مسبقا"
+#. Translators: message presented when a position is saved as a bookmark.
+#, python-format
+msgid "Saved position at character %d"
+msgstr "الموضع المحفوظ عند حرف %d"
+#. Translators: message presented when a bookmark cannot be saved.
+msgid "Cannot save bookmark"
+msgstr "لا يمكن حفظ العلامة المرجعية"
+#. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
+msgid "Saves the current position as a bookmark."
+msgstr "حفظ الموضع الحالي كعلامة مرجعية"
+#. Translators: message presented when the current document doesn't contain 
+msgid "No bookmarks"
+msgstr "لا يوجد علامات مرجعية"
+msgid "Bookmark cannot be deleted"
+msgstr "لا يمكن حذف العلامة المرجعية"
+#. Translators: message presented when the current document has bookmarks, but 
none is selected.
+msgid "No bookmark selected"
+msgstr "لم يتم تحديد علامة مرجعية"
+#. Translators: message presented when a bookmark is deleted.
+msgid "Bookmark deleted"
+msgstr "تم حذف العلامة المرجعية"
+#. Translators: message presented when cannot delete a bookmark.
+msgid "Cannot delete bookmark"
+msgstr "لا يمكن حذف العلامة المرجعية"
+#. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
+msgid "Deletes the current bookmark."
+msgstr "حذف العلامة المرجعية"
+#. Translators: message presented when trying to select a bookmark, but none 
is found.
+msgid "No bookmarks found"
+msgstr "لا يوجد علامات مرجعية"
+#. Translators: message presented when cannot find any bookmark.
+msgid "Cannot find any bookmark"
+msgstr "لا يوجد أي علامات مرجعية"
+#. Translators: message presented when a bookmark is selected.
+#, python-format
+msgid "Position: character %d"
+msgstr "الموضع: حرف %d"
+#. Translators: message presented when the next bookmark is not found.
+msgid "Next bookmark not found"
+msgstr "لا يوجد علامة مرجعية تالية"
+#. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
+msgid "Moves to the next bookmark."
+msgstr "التنقل إلى العلامة المرجعية التالية"
+#. Translators: message presented when the previous bookmark is not found.
+msgid "Previous bookmark not found"
+msgstr "لا يوجد علامة مرجعية سابقة"
+#. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
+msgid "Moves to the previous bookmark."
+msgstr "التنقل للعلامة المرجعية السابقة"
+#. Translators: message presented when cannot copy the file name corresponding 
to place markers.
+msgid "Cannot copy file name for place markers"
+msgstr "لا يمكن نسخ اسم ملف العلامات المرجعية"
+#. Translators: message presented when file name for place markers is copied 
to clipboard.
+msgid "Place markers file name copied to clipboard"
+msgstr "نسخ اسم ملف العلامات المرجعية للحافظة"
+#. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
+msgid "Copies the name of the current file for place markers to the clipboard."
+msgstr "نسخ اسم الملف الحالي للعلامات المرجعية إلى الحافظة"
+#. Translators: This is the label for the specific search settings dialog.
+msgid "Specific Search"
+msgstr "بحث معين"
+#. Translators: This is the label for a textfield in the
+#. specific search settings dialog.
+msgid "&Text to search:"
+msgstr "كلمة للبحث"
+#. Translators: The label for a setting in specific search to select a saved 
+msgid "&Saved texts:"
+msgstr "&النصوص المحفوظة"
+#. Translators: A combo box to choose a saved text.
+msgid "Saved texts to search:"
+msgstr "حفظ كلمة البحث"
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Search down"
+msgstr "البحث لأسفل"
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Search up"
+msgstr "البحث لأعلى"
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "حذف"
+#. Translators: The label for a setting in specific search to select an action.
+msgid "&Actions to choose:"
+msgstr "اختيار الإجراء المناسب"
+#. Translators: A combo box to choose an action.
+msgid "Select an action to perform:"
+msgstr "حدد أحد الخيارات لتنفيذها"
+#. Translators: Tooltip for an addon menu item.
+#, python-format
+msgid "Opens documentation for %s"
+msgstr "فتح ملف المساعدة الخاص بي   %s"
+#. Add-on description
+#. TRANSLATORS: Summary for this add-on to be shown on installation and add-on 
+msgid "Place markers"
+msgstr "علامات مرجعية"
+#. Add-on description
+#. Translators: Long description to be shown for this add-on on installation 
and add-on information
+msgid "Add-on for setting place markers on specific virtual documents"
+msgstr "إضافة لوضع علامات مرجعية داخل مستندات نمط التصفح"

diff --git a/addon/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/nvda.po 
index a247b39..2e05b4f 100644
--- a/addon/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/nvda.po
+++ b/addon/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/nvda.po
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: 'placeMarkers' '1.0-beta'\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: 'nvda-translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-06-05 23:05+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-11 14:17+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: René Linke <rene.linke@xxxxxxxxxx>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-13 17:30+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Bernd Dorer <bernd_dorer@xxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@xxxxxx>\n"
 "Language: de\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n"
 #. Translators: label of a dialog presented when installing this addon and 
placeMarkersBackup is found.
 msgid ""
@@ -29,6 +29,19 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Install or update add-on"
 msgstr "Erweiterung installieren oder aktualisieren"
+#. Translators: label of error dialog.
+#, python-format
+msgid "text \"%s\" not found"
+msgstr "\"%s\" nicht gefunden"
+#. Translators: title of error dialog.
+msgid "Find Error"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Suchen"
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s copied to clipboard"
+msgstr "%s in die Zwischenablage kopiert"
 #. Translators: the name of addon submenu.
 msgid "P&lace markers"
 msgstr "&Lesezeichen"
@@ -96,7 +109,7 @@ msgstr "Den Ordner der Lesezeichen zum Wiederherstellen 
 #. Translators: label of a dialog presented to save or delete a string for 
specific search.
 msgid ""
 "Type the text you wish to save, or delete any text if you want to remove it "
-"from the previous saved search"
+"from the previous saved searches"
 msgstr ""
 "Geben Sie den Text ein, nach dem Sie suchen möchten der bereits gespeichert "
 "ist oder entfernen Sie den Text, um ihn auch aus der erweiterten Suche zu "
@@ -107,31 +120,13 @@ msgid "Save text for specific search"
 msgstr "Text für die erweiterte Suche speichern"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
-#. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
 msgid "Saves a text string for a specific search."
 msgstr "Speichert eine Zeichenkette für die erweiterte Suche."
-#. Translators: label of error dialog.
-#, python-format
-msgid "text \"%s\" not found"
-msgstr "\"%s\" nicht gefunden"
-#. Translators: title of error dialog.
-msgid "Find Error"
-msgstr "Fehler beim Suchen"
 #. Translators: message presented when there is not file for specific search.
 msgid "File for specific search not found"
 msgstr "Datei für die besondere Suche nicht gefunden"
-#. Translators: label of a dialog presented when searching a saved string of 
text for the current document.
-msgid "Type the text you wish to find"
-msgstr "Geben Sie den zusuchenden Text ein"
-#. Translators: title of a dialog presented when searching a saved string of 
text for the current document.
-msgid "Specific search"
-msgstr "Erweiterte Suche"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
 msgid ""
 "finds a text string from the current cursor position for a specific document."
@@ -224,10 +219,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kopiert den Dateinamen der aktuellen Datei für die Lesezeichen in die "
+#. Translators: This is the label for the specific search settings dialog.
+msgid "Specific Search"
+msgstr "Erweiterte Suche"
+#. Translators: This is the label for a textfield in the
+#. specific search settings dialog.
+msgid "&Text to search:"
+msgstr "zu suchender &Text:"
+#. Translators: The label for a setting in specific search to select a saved 
+msgid "&Saved texts:"
+msgstr "ge&speicherte Texte:"
+#. Translators: A combo box to choose a saved text.
+msgid "Saved texts to search:"
+msgstr "Gespeicherter Text, nach dem gesucht werden soll:"
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Search down"
+msgstr "vorwärts suchen"
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Search up"
+msgstr "rückwärts suchen"
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "löschen"
+#. Translators: The label for a setting in specific search to select an action.
+msgid "&Actions to choose:"
+msgstr "&Aktion wählen:"
+#. Translators: A combo box to choose an action.
+msgid "Select an action to perform:"
+msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Aktion, um diese auszuführen."
 #. Translators: Tooltip for an addon menu item.
-#, fuzzy, python-format
+#, python-format
 msgid "Opens documentation for %s"
-msgstr "&Dokumentation öffnen"
+msgstr "Dokumentation für %s öffnen"
 #. Add-on description
 #. TRANSLATORS: Summary for this add-on to be shown on installation and add-on 
@@ -238,3 +270,6 @@ msgstr "Lesezeichen"
 #. Translators: Long description to be shown for this add-on on installation 
and add-on information
 msgid "Add-on for setting place markers on specific virtual documents"
 msgstr "Erweiterung zum Einstellen der Lesezeichen in virtuellen Ansichten."
+#~ msgid "Type the text you wish to find"
+#~ msgstr "Geben Sie den zusuchenden Text ein"

diff --git a/addon/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/nvda.po 
index 42d2b48..b22db72 100755
--- a/addon/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/nvda.po
+++ b/addon/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/nvda.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: placeMarkers-1.0\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: 'nvda-translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-06-05 23:05+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-26 21:11+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-16 10:33+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Juan C. Buño <quetzatl@xxxxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: Rémy Ruiz <remyruiz@xxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language: es_ES\n"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;gettext;gettext_noop\n"
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: .\n"
@@ -29,6 +29,19 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Install or update add-on"
 msgstr "Instalar o actualizar complemento"
+#. Translators: label of error dialog.
+#, python-format
+msgid "text \"%s\" not found"
+msgstr "Texto %s no encontrado"
+#. Translators: title of error dialog.
+msgid "Find Error"
+msgstr "Error de búsqueda"
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s copied to clipboard"
+msgstr "%s copiado al  portapapeles"
 #. Translators: the name of addon submenu.
 msgid "P&lace markers"
 msgstr "P&lace markers"
@@ -96,41 +109,23 @@ msgstr "Selecciona la carpeta de las marcas que deseas 
 #. Translators: label of a dialog presented to save or delete a string for 
specific search.
 msgid ""
 "Type the text you wish to save, or delete any text if you want to remove it "
-"from the previous saved search"
+"from the previous saved searches"
 msgstr ""
-"Teclea el texto que quieres guardar, o borra el texto si quieres eliminar la "
-"búsqueda previamente guardada"
+"Teclea el texto que deseas guardar, o elimina cualquier texto si quieres "
+"borrarlo de anteriores búsquedas guardadas"
 #. Translators: title of a dialog presented to save a string for specific 
 msgid "Save text for specific search"
 msgstr "Guardar texto de búsqueda específica"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
-#. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
 msgid "Saves a text string for a specific search."
 msgstr "Guarda un fragmento de texto para una búsqueda específica."
-#. Translators: label of error dialog.
-#, python-format
-msgid "text \"%s\" not found"
-msgstr "Texto %s no encontrado"
-#. Translators: title of error dialog.
-msgid "Find Error"
-msgstr "Error de búsqueda"
 #. Translators: message presented when there is not file for specific search.
 msgid "File for specific search not found"
 msgstr "Fichero para búsqueda específica no encontrado"
-#. Translators: label of a dialog presented when searching a saved string of 
text for the current document.
-msgid "Type the text you wish to find"
-msgstr "Teclea el texto que deseas encontrar"
-#. Translators: title of a dialog presented when searching a saved string of 
text for the current document.
-msgid "Specific search"
-msgstr "Búsqueda específica"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
 msgid ""
 "finds a text string from the current cursor position for a specific document."
@@ -223,6 +218,43 @@ msgstr "Nombre del archivo de las  marcas copiado en el 
 msgid "Copies the name of the current file for place markers to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Copia el nombre del archivo de las marcas actual;"
+#. Translators: This is the label for the specific search settings dialog.
+msgid "Specific Search"
+msgstr "Búsqueda Específica"
+#. Translators: This is the label for a textfield in the
+#. specific search settings dialog.
+msgid "&Text to search:"
+msgstr "&Texto a buscar:"
+#. Translators: The label for a setting in specific search to select a saved 
+msgid "&Saved texts:"
+msgstr "Textos &guardados:"
+#. Translators: A combo box to choose a saved text.
+msgid "Saved texts to search:"
+msgstr "Textos guardados para buscar:"
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Search down"
+msgstr "Búsqueda hacia abajo"
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Search up"
+msgstr "Búsqueda hacia arriba"
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Eliminar"
+#. Translators: The label for a setting in specific search to select an action.
+msgid "&Actions to choose:"
+msgstr "&Acciones a elegir:"
+#. Translators: A combo box to choose an action.
+msgid "Select an action to perform:"
+msgstr "Seleccionar una acción a realizar:"
 #. Translators: Tooltip for an addon menu item.
 #, python-format
 msgid "Opens documentation for %s"
@@ -240,6 +272,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "Complemento para establecer las marcas en páginas Web y documentos virtuales "
+#~ msgid "Type the text you wish to find"
+#~ msgstr "Teclea el texto que deseas encontrar"
 #~ msgid "Speci&fic search"
 #~ msgstr "Búsqueda especí&fica"

diff --git a/addon/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/nvda.po 
index 1a57349..57b42e6 100644
--- a/addon/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/nvda.po
+++ b/addon/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/nvda.po
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5\n"
 #. Translators: label of a dialog presented when installing this addon and 
placeMarkersBackup is found.
-#: addon/
 msgid ""
 "Your configuration folder for NVDA contains files that seem to be derived "
 "from a previous version of this add-on. Do you want to update it?"
@@ -27,268 +26,250 @@ msgstr ""
 "افزونه بدست آمده است. آیا میخواهید که بروز رسانی بکنید؟"
 #. Translators: title of a dialog presented when installing this addon and 
placeMarkersBackup is found.
-#: addon/
 msgid "Install or update add-on"
 msgstr "نصب یا بروز رسانی افزونه"
+#. Translators: label of error dialog.
+#, python-format
+msgid "text \"%s\" not found"
+msgstr "متنی \"%s\" پیدا نشد"
+#. Translators: title of error dialog.
+msgid "Find Error"
+msgstr "پیدایش خطا"
+#, fuzzy, python-format
+msgid "%s copied to clipboard"
+msgstr "نام پرونده نشانه گذاری ها به کلیپ برد کپی شد"
 #. Translators: the name of addon submenu.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "P&lace markers"
 msgstr "ن&شانه گذاری ها"
 #. Translators: the tooltip text for addon submenu.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Bookmarks and Search menu"
 msgstr "نشانک ها و فهرست جستجو"
 #. Translators: the name for an item of addon submenu.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "&Specific search folder"
 msgstr "پوشه مخصوص &جستجو"
 #. Translators: the tooltip text for an item of addon submenu.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Opens the specific search folder"
 msgstr "پوشه مخصوص جستجو را باز میکند"
 #. Translators: the name for an item of addon submenu.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "&Bookmarks folder"
 msgstr "پوشه &نشانک"
 #. Translators: the tooltip text for an item of addon submenu.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Opens the bookmarks folder"
 msgstr "پوشه نشانک را باز میکند"
 #. Translators: the name for an item of addon submenu.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "&Copy placeMarkers folder..."
 msgstr "پوشه نشانه گذاری ها را کپی بکن..."
 #. Translators: the tooltip text for an item of addon submenu.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Backup of place markers"
 msgstr "کپی پشتیبان نشانه گذاری ها"
 #. Translators: the name for an item of addon submenu.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "R&estore place markers..."
 msgstr "نشانه گذاری ها را ب&رگردان"
 #. Translators: the tooltip text for an item of addon submenu.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Restore previously saved place markers"
 msgstr "نشانه گذاری هایی ذخیره شده قبلی را برگردان"
 #. Translators: the name for an item of addon submenu.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Open &documentation"
 msgstr "&سند را باز بکن"
 #. Translators: the tooltip text for an item of addon submenu.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Open documentation for current language"
 msgstr "سند را برای زبان جاری باز بکن"
 #. Translators: label of a dialog presented for copying place markers.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Select a folder for copying your saved place markers"
 msgstr "پوشه ای را برای نشانه گذاری های خود انتخاب کنید"
 #. Translators: label of error dialog shown when cannot copy placeMarkers 
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Folder not copied"
 msgstr "پوشه کپی نشد"
 #. Translators: title of error dialog shown when cannot copy placeMarkers 
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Copy Error"
 msgstr "خطا در کپی"
 #. Translators: label of a dialog presented for restoring place markers.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Select the place markers folder you wish to restore"
 msgstr "پوشه نشانه گذاری هایی را که میخواهید برگردانید انتخاب بکنید"
 #. Translators: label of a dialog presented to save or delete a string for 
specific search.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Type the text you wish to save, or delete any text if you want to remove it "
-"from the previous saved search"
+"from the previous saved searches"
 msgstr ""
 "متنی را که میخواهید ذخیره بکنید بنویسید, یا متن را پاک بکنید اگر میخواهید از "
 "جستجوی ذخیره شده قبلی حذف بکنید"
 #. Translators: title of a dialog presented to save a string for specific 
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Save text for specific search"
 msgstr "متن را برای جستجوی ویژه ذخیره بکن"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
-#. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Saves a text string for a specific search."
 msgstr "رشته ای از متن را برای جستجوی ویژه ذخیره میکند"
-#. Translators: label of error dialog.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
-#, python-format
-msgid "text \"%s\" not found"
-msgstr "متنی \"%s\" پیدا نشد"
-#. Translators: title of error dialog.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
-msgid "Find Error"
-msgstr "پیدایش خطا"
 #. Translators: message presented when there is not file for specific search.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "File for specific search not found"
 msgstr "پرونده ای برای جستجوی ویژه یافت نشد"
-#. Translators: label of a dialog presented when searching a saved string of 
text for the current document.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
-msgid "Type the text you wish to find"
-msgstr "متنی را که میخواهید پیدا بکنید بنویسید"
-#. Translators: title of a dialog presented when searching a saved string of 
text for the current document.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
-msgid "Specific search"
-msgstr "جستجوی ویژه"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid ""
 "finds a text string from the current cursor position for a specific document."
 msgstr "رشته متنی را از موقعیت کنونی نشانگر برای اسناد خاص پیدا میکند."
 #. Translators: message presented when a bookmark cannot be saved.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Bookmark cannot be saved"
 msgstr "نشانک نمیتواند ذخیره بشود"
 #. Translators: message presented when the current position was previously 
saved as a bookmark.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "This position was already saved"
 msgstr "این قسمت قبلا\" ذخیره شده است"
 #. Translators: message presented when a position is saved as a bookmark.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Saved position at character %d"
 msgstr "محل ذخیره شده در کاراکتر %d"
 #. Translators: message presented when a bookmark cannot be saved.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Cannot save bookmark"
 msgstr "نشانک را نمیتواند ذخیره بکند"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Saves the current position as a bookmark."
 msgstr "محل جاری را بعنوان نشانک ذخیره میکند."
 #. Translators: message presented when the current document doesn't contain 
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "No bookmarks"
 msgstr "بدون نشانک"
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Bookmark cannot be deleted"
 msgstr "نشانک نمیتواند پاک بشود"
 #. Translators: message presented when the current document has bookmarks, but 
none is selected.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "No bookmark selected"
 msgstr "نشانکی انتخاب نشده است"
 #. Translators: message presented when a bookmark is deleted.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Bookmark deleted"
 msgstr "نشانک پاک شده است"
 #. Translators: message presented when cannot delete a bookmark.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Cannot delete bookmark"
 msgstr "نمیتوانید نشانک را پاک بکنید"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Deletes the current bookmark."
 msgstr "نشانک جاری را پاک میکند."
 #. Translators: message presented when trying to select a bookmark, but none 
is found.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "No bookmarks found"
 msgstr "نشانکی پیدا نشد"
 #. Translators: message presented when cannot find any bookmark.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Cannot find any bookmark"
 msgstr "هیچ نشانکی نمیتواند پیدا بکند"
 #. Translators: message presented when a bookmark is selected.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Position: character %d"
 msgstr "محل: کاراکتر %d"
 #. Translators: message presented when the next bookmark is not found.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Next bookmark not found"
 msgstr "نشانک بعدی پیدا نشد"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Moves to the next bookmark."
 msgstr "به نشانک بعدی میرود."
 #. Translators: message presented when the previous bookmark is not found.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Previous bookmark not found"
 msgstr "نشانک قبلی پیدا نشد"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Moves to the previous bookmark."
 msgstr "به نشانک قبلی میرود."
 #. Translators: message presented when cannot copy the file name corresponding 
to place markers.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Cannot copy file name for place markers"
 msgstr "نام پرونده را برای نشانه گذاری ها نمیتواند کپی بکند"
 #. Translators: message presented when file name for place markers is copied 
to clipboard.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Place markers file name copied to clipboard"
 msgstr "نام پرونده نشانه گذاری ها به کلیپ برد کپی شد"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 msgid "Copies the name of the current file for place markers to the clipboard."
 msgstr "نام پرونده جاری را برای نشانه گذاری ها در کلیپ برد کپی میکند."
+#. Translators: This is the label for the specific search settings dialog.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Specific Search"
+msgstr "جستجوی ویژه"
+#. Translators: This is the label for a textfield in the
+#. specific search settings dialog.
+msgid "&Text to search:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators: The label for a setting in specific search to select a saved 
+msgid "&Saved texts:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators: A combo box to choose a saved text.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Saved texts to search:"
+msgstr "متن را برای جستجوی ویژه ذخیره بکن"
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Search down"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Search up"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators: The label for a setting in specific search to select an action.
+msgid "&Actions to choose:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators: A combo box to choose an action.
+msgid "Select an action to perform:"
+msgstr ""
 #. Translators: Tooltip for an addon menu item.
-#: addon/globalPlugins/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Opens documentation for %s"
 msgstr "سند را برای %s باز میکند"
 #. Add-on description
 #. TRANSLATORS: Summary for this add-on to be shown on installation and add-on 
 msgid "Place markers"
 msgstr "نشانه گذاری ها"
 #. Add-on description
 #. Translators: Long description to be shown for this add-on on installation 
and add-on information
 msgid "Add-on for setting place markers on specific virtual documents"
 msgstr "افزونه برای تنظیم نشانه گذاری ها در اسناد مجازی"
+#~ msgid "Type the text you wish to find"
+#~ msgstr "متنی را که میخواهید پیدا بکنید بنویسید"

diff --git a/addon/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/nvda.po 
index 55bf77e..66e7163 100644
--- a/addon/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/nvda.po
+++ b/addon/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/nvda.po
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: 'placeMarkers' '1.0-beta'\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: 'nvda-translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-06-05 23:05+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-26 19:17+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jani Kinnunen\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-10 20:19+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jani Kinnunen <jani.kinnunen@xxxxxxxxxx>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@xxxxxx>\n"
 "Language: fi\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n"
 #. Translators: label of a dialog presented when installing this addon and 
placeMarkersBackup is found.
 msgid ""
@@ -29,13 +29,27 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Install or update add-on"
 msgstr "Asenna tai päivitä lisäosa"
+#. Translators: label of error dialog, translated in NVDA core.
+#, python-format
+msgid "text \"%s\" not found"
+msgstr "Tekstiä \"%s\" ei löydy"
+#. Translators: title of error dialog, translated in NVDA core.
+msgid "Find Error"
+msgstr "Hakuvirhe"
+#. Translators: message presented when a string of text has been copied to the 
+#, python-format
+msgid "%s copied to clipboard"
+msgstr "%s kopioitu leikepöydälle"
 #. Translators: the name of addon submenu.
 msgid "P&lace markers"
 msgstr "Pa&ikkamerkit"
 #. Translators: the tooltip text for addon submenu.
 msgid "Bookmarks and Search menu"
-msgstr "Kirjanmerkkien ja hakujen valikko"
+msgstr "Paikkamerkkien ja hakujen valikko"
 #. Translators: the name for an item of addon submenu.
 msgid "&Specific search folder"
@@ -47,11 +61,11 @@ msgstr "Avaa sivukohtaisen haun kansion"
 #. Translators: the name for an item of addon submenu.
 msgid "&Bookmarks folder"
-msgstr "&Kirjanmerkkien kansio"
+msgstr "&Paikkamerkkien kansio"
 #. Translators: the tooltip text for an item of addon submenu.
 msgid "Opens the bookmarks folder"
-msgstr "Avaa kirjanmerkkien kansion"
+msgstr "Avaa paikkamerkkien kansion"
 #. Translators: the name for an item of addon submenu.
 msgid "&Copy placeMarkers folder..."
@@ -96,40 +110,23 @@ msgstr "Valitse palautettava paikkamerkkien kansio"
 #. Translators: label of a dialog presented to save or delete a string for 
specific search.
 msgid ""
 "Type the text you wish to save, or delete any text if you want to remove it "
-"from the previous saved search"
+"from the previous saved searches"
 msgstr ""
-"Kirjoita tallennettava teksti tai poista nykyinen peruaksesi aiemman haun"
+"Kirjoita tallennettava teksti tai valitse aiemmin tallennetuista hauista "
+"poistettava merkkijono"
 #. Translators: title of a dialog presented to save a string for specific 
 msgid "Save text for specific search"
 msgstr "Tallenna tekstiä sivukohtaiseen hakuun"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
-#. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
 msgid "Saves a text string for a specific search."
 msgstr "Tallentaa merkkijonon sivukohtaiseen hakuun."
-#. Translators: label of error dialog.
-#, python-format
-msgid "text \"%s\" not found"
-msgstr "Tekstiä \"%s\" ei löydy"
-#. Translators: title of error dialog.
-msgid "Find Error"
-msgstr "Hakuvirhe"
 #. Translators: message presented when there is not file for specific search.
 msgid "File for specific search not found"
 msgstr "Sivukohtaisen haun tiedostoa ei löydy"
-#. Translators: label of a dialog presented when searching a saved string of 
text for the current document.
-msgid "Type the text you wish to find"
-msgstr "Kirjoita etsittävä teksti"
-#. Translators: title of a dialog presented when searching a saved string of 
text for the current document.
-msgid "Specific search"
-msgstr "Sivukohtainen haku"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
 msgid ""
 "finds a text string from the current cursor position for a specific document."
@@ -138,7 +135,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. Translators: message presented when a bookmark cannot be saved.
 msgid "Bookmark cannot be saved"
-msgstr "Kirjanmerkkiä ei voi tallentaa"
+msgstr "Paikkamerkkiä ei voi tallentaa"
 #. Translators: message presented when the current position was previously 
saved as a bookmark.
 msgid "This position was already saved"
@@ -151,38 +148,38 @@ msgstr "Sijainti tallennettu merkin %d kohdalle"
 #. Translators: message presented when a bookmark cannot be saved.
 msgid "Cannot save bookmark"
-msgstr "Kirjanmerkkiä ei voi tallentaa"
+msgstr "Paikkamerkkiä ei voi tallentaa"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
 msgid "Saves the current position as a bookmark."
-msgstr "Tallentaa nykyisen sijainnin kirjanmerkiksi."
+msgstr "Tallentaa nykyisen sijainnin paikkamerkiksi."
 #. Translators: message presented when the current document doesn't contain 
 msgid "No bookmarks"
-msgstr "Ei kirjanmerkkejä"
+msgstr "Ei paikkamerkkejä"
 msgid "Bookmark cannot be deleted"
-msgstr "Kirjanmerkkiä ei voi poistaa"
+msgstr "Paikkamerkkiä ei voi poistaa"
 #. Translators: message presented when the current document has bookmarks, but 
none is selected.
 msgid "No bookmark selected"
-msgstr "Kirjanmerkkiä ei ole valittu"
+msgstr "Paikkamerkkiä ei ole valittu"
 #. Translators: message presented when a bookmark is deleted.
 msgid "Bookmark deleted"
-msgstr "Kirjanmerkki poistettu"
+msgstr "Paikkamerkki poistettu"
 #. Translators: message presented when cannot delete a bookmark.
 msgid "Cannot delete bookmark"
-msgstr "Kirjanmerkkiä ei voi poistaa"
+msgstr "Paikkamerkkiä ei voi poistaa"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
 msgid "Deletes the current bookmark."
-msgstr "Poistaa nykyisen kirjanmerkin."
+msgstr "Poistaa nykyisen paikkamerkin."
 #. Translators: message presented when trying to select a bookmark, but none 
is found.
 msgid "No bookmarks found"
-msgstr "Kirjanmerkkejä ei löydy"
+msgstr "Paikkamerkkejä ei löydy"
 #. Translators: message presented when cannot find any bookmark.
 msgid "Cannot find any bookmark"
@@ -195,19 +192,19 @@ msgstr "Sijainti: merkki %d"
 #. Translators: message presented when the next bookmark is not found.
 msgid "Next bookmark not found"
-msgstr "Seuraavaa kirjanmerkkiä ei löydy"
+msgstr "Seuraavaa paikkamerkkiä ei löydy"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
 msgid "Moves to the next bookmark."
-msgstr "Siirtää seuraavaan kirjanmerkkiin."
+msgstr "Siirtää seuraavaan paikkamerkkiin."
 #. Translators: message presented when the previous bookmark is not found.
 msgid "Previous bookmark not found"
-msgstr "Edellistä kirjanmerkkiä ei löydy"
+msgstr "Edellistä paikkamerkkiä ei löydy"
 #. Translators: message presented in input mode, when a keystroke of an addon 
script is pressed.
 msgid "Moves to the previous bookmark."
-msgstr "Siirtää edelliseen kirjanmerkkiin."
+msgstr "Siirtää edelliseen paikkamerkkiin."
 #. Translators: message presented when cannot copy the file name corresponding 
to place markers.
 msgid "Cannot copy file name for place markers"
@@ -221,10 +218,42 @@ msgstr "Paikkamerkkkitiedoston nimi kopioitu 
 msgid "Copies the name of the current file for place markers to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Kopioi nykyisen paikkamerkkitiedoston nimen leikepöydälle."
-#. Translators: Tooltip for an addon menu item.
-#, python-format
-msgid "Opens documentation for %s"
-msgstr "Avaa %s-lisäosan ohjeen"
+#. Translators: This is the label for the specific search settings dialog.
+msgid "Specific Search"
+msgstr "Sivukohtainen haku"
+#. Translators: This is the label for a textfield in the
+#. specific search settings dialog.
+msgid "&Text to search:"
+msgstr "&Haettava teksti:"
+#. Translators: The label for a setting in specific search to select a saved 
+msgid "&Saved texts:"
+msgstr "Ta&llennetut tekstit:"
+#. Translators: A combo box to choose a saved text.
+msgid "Saved texts to search:"
+msgstr "Hakuun tallennetut tekstit:"
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Search down"
+msgstr "Hae alhaalta"
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Search up"
+msgstr "Hae ylhäältä"
+#. Translators: the name of an action presented in specific search dialog.
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Poista"
+#. Translators: The label for a setting in specific search to select an action.
+msgid "&Actions to choose:"
+msgstr "&Valittavat toiminnot:"
+#. Translators: A combo box to choose an action.
+msgid "Select an action to perform:"
+msgstr "Valitse suoritettava toiminto:"
 #. Add-on description
 #. TRANSLATORS: Summary for this add-on to be shown on installation and add-on 
@@ -235,3 +264,9 @@ msgstr "Paikkamerkit"
 #. Translators: Long description to be shown for this add-on on installation 
and add-on information
 msgid "Add-on for setting place markers on specific virtual documents"
 msgstr "Lisäosa sivukohtaisten paikkamerkkien määrittämiseen"
+#~ msgid "Opens documentation for %s"
+#~ msgstr "Avaa %s-lisäosan ohjeen"
+#~ msgid "Type the text you wish to find"
+#~ msgstr "Kirjoita etsittävä teksti"

This diff is so big that we needed to truncate the remainder.
Changeset:   e04bff5d6fe9
Branch:      master
User:        norrumar
Date:        2013-10-28 08:03:58
Summary:     minor changes: skim reading support.

Affected #:  1 file

diff --git a/addon/globalPlugins/ 
index bcdd9bb..5683a48 100755
--- a/addon/globalPlugins/
+++ b/addon/globalPlugins/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# Support for skim reading.
+# Date: 28/10/2013
 # Assigned script categories for input gestures
 # Date: 12/10/2013
 # PlaceMarkers

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