[notetakerinfo] Admin request

  • From: Blake Ison <bai003@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "notetakerinfo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <notetakerinfo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 23:57:22 +0000

Dear list members:

We have approximately 12 subscribers currently receiving list traffic - but as 
we know, there has been precious little of that going around at the moment!

I would be extremely appreciative if you could share the list details to your 
friends and networks - if you have blind workmates, share it to them - or 
school teachers, and just ask everyone to share it around their own networks - 
and in the long term, we could have a list of thousands.

In relation to questions:

If you have any questions please ask them, and the people on this list will get 
back to you with an answer if they have one. 

In the meantime enjoy preparing for Christmas, and I will communicate with you 
further prior to that time.

Regards, Blake.

Other related posts:

  • » [notetakerinfo] Admin request - Blake Ison