[ncolug] Re: more stuff

  • From: Chuck Stickelman <cstickelman@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ncolug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2006 21:22:30 -0500

Dev Null wrote:

Ahead of the elections, we called for volunteers to administer absentee voting, no takers.
One of the 3 candidates might have done it, but that would have been a little slimy.

Also, as there is still no topic for next month, I propose the following:

All who attend, please bring a list of 3 web links that you feel would be interesting to others.
It can be on a scrap of paper, or just verbal, whatever. (Or send them to me ahead of time.)
I will try again to have a projector so that we can take a look at them.
Feel free to introduce them, or not...

Since I will not be able to attend I'll post a couple links that I think are interesting:

  1. Debian (www.debian.org) <http://www.debian.org> - My distribution
     of choice... No surprises there...
  2. Groklaw (www.groklaw.net) <http://www.groklaw.net> - The
     definitive site for following many of the legal issues in IT.
     (Groklaw started as a site to follow the SCO vs. IBM case, but has
     expanded it's coverage...)
  3. CSS Zen Garden (www.css.zengarden.com)
     <http://www.csszengarden.com> - A great site for demonstrating how
     Cascading Stylesheets can be used to alter a site's overall look
     and feel.  (Note: all of the style links use the same content
     page; you're only changing the Stylesheet... very cool!!  BTW,
     notice that there are NO TABLES used in the layout!!)
  4. BOFH - Bastard Operator From Hell (bofh.ntk.net/Bastard.html)
     <http://bofh.ntk.net/Bastard.html> - I think this guy is VERY
     funny!!  I sure hope it's fiction... if not then we should all be
     glad we live in the US and not anywhere near where he can have
     influence on our lives...

I could go on and on for several pages, but these are worth your time. (I'm sure many of us have gone to the Debian site, but the other 3 are less likely to be on many people's lists...)


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