[ncolug] Meeting topic

  • From: "M. Knisely" <charon79m@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ncolug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, AdvancedSystemsTechnical@xxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:26:17 -0400

I would like to offer a topic for consideration for a NCO Linux User Group meeting: Linux Networking Power Tools

I know the topic will be of little interest to some, so I would like to take the temperature of the list. How many of you feel that you would like a presentation on this topic? To those of you who lurk on the list but do not attend the meetings, might this type of topic bring you to Mansfield on the first Thursday of the month?

I would like to cover the following:

General networking concepts
Protocols vs ports
Nmap - basics to intermediate
Ethereal - packet capture and more
Etherape - blinky lights impress the uneducated
iftop - when you're sick of the blink
Man-in-the-middle demonstration - why we need the Endian VPN when at Strabucks / tools needed

I'd like to go into traffic shaping, policy routing, and routing protocols via quagga (zebra) but I'll save that for some other time.

If this type of topic is not well enough in the main stream of our groups interests, I am not against having this meeting another night specifically for those who would be interested. Just let me know.


Mike K.

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