[ncolug] Re: Mark Shuttleworth on Ubuntu Long Term Support

  • From: Chuck Stickelman <cstickelman@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ncolug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2006 17:25:34 -0400

Henry Keultjes wrote:


Chuck Stickelman:

You have always been a brave defender of Debian and I mut say that I have never disagreed with you.

However, if we are trying to get Linux and Open Source software more widely adopted, would not that next circle of adopters be more likely to switch if they can pay for commercial support for their free product?

Henry Keultjes
Mansfield Ohio USA

There are many who want to pay someone else to support their resources. I have no problem with people having the freedom to choose to support their IT internal, externally, or in some mixed environment. Debian has always had people willing and able to provide support for the free Debian GNU/Linux solution. Check out the Debian Consultants Website <http://www.debian.org/consultants/> to find a list of those who are currently providing commercial support to Debian.

Now, I don't many problems with Ubuntu; I wish they'd not made their packages differ from Debian's without changing the package's extension. Using the .deb extension should obligate them to using the Debian locations of ALL files. Period. The second issue I have with the Ubuntu developers is that they should be pushing their fixes upstream. (If they have found an inadequacy in a package requiring them to make a change, then they should pass that change upstream so everyone benefits from their efforts -- which is what everyone's doing in the Open Source world...)

I see what Ubuntu is doing as no different from what the Red Hat guys did when they abandoned the Debian project; and the results are just as devastating to the larger Linux community. Imagine where we'd be if all distros were based on the same underlying packaging scheme...


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