[ncolug] Re: A different Ubuntu Question.

  • From: Aidan Artos MacTyre <wolfson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ncolug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 20:50:10 -0500

And it can even be easier!!! Probably hidden beneath the system tool is the command that Mr. K mentioned. However, I was able to accomplish exactly what I was aiming for using the "Computer Janitor" option under the System menu. I had to run it a few times as it discovered something new that no longer had dependencies after the first two runs. Yet, it did exactly what I was looking for, removed the older Ubuntu kernel packages cleanly and left me with a Grub Boot Menu with just the two latest versions and of course the "Other OS" and "Windows XP" choices. It also found and cleaned up a couple other old packages that are no longer supported and at least in my case not needed anymore.

So, command-line geeks forever! But, for the novices and GUI people out there, cleaning up Ubuntu safely might be easier using the Janitor.


Aidan Artos MacTyre wrote:
Thank you, I think I will try this option out. I was in the midst of working out which "kernel" packages equaled the menu choices to remove. That task made slightly more interesting due to the fact that my boot menu listed from the bottom up version 2.6.31-11, 2.6.31-16, 2.6.31-14, etc. However, yes, I am happily booting into the latest installed version, 2.6.31-17-generic, with no noticed glitches yet. So I see no reason to need to keep the older versions around at this point. I shall assume that the "(recovery mode)" choice for 2.6.31-17-generic will be kept along with the normal boot option.

Yes, FOSS is wonderful!

As for the Grub2 question/suggestion I will have to figure out if I am actually running Grub2 at this point first. Though, I am actually rather happy to let Ubuntu load whenever Windoze issues an auto-reboot to install security updates when I'm not at the machine. For one thing, it acts as a brake on the Windoze installation. Secondly, I've on occasion received a reminder that Ubuntu needs to run an update after Windoze kicked the machine and it booted into Ubuntu.

I will be attempting the sudo apt-get autoremove from a comand console after completing this email and will let you know.

Thanks again.

M. Knisely wrote:
Oh, but it's even easier than that!!! You can use the "autoremove" feature!

If your system is booting properly on the most recent (read hightest number) Linux kernel, you can automatically remove all the previous ones in one command:

sudo apt-get autoremove

This will remove all the previous version of the kernel leaving you with just the most recent version in your grub config. It will also clean out any old cruft left behind if you've installed apps. For example, if you installed the app foo and it had a dependance libfoo, the package manager handled grabbing libfoo for you. Now, if you later uninstalled foo, libfoo is probably sitting on your disk somewhere taking up space. Autoremove will clean that out for you too!

Isn't FOSS wonderful!?!!?

Also, should you want the last entry selected when you last booted via Grub to be selected as your default the next time you boot, this can be accomplished easily with Grub2. Now, why you would want to boot anything other than the most recent Linux kernel is beyond me, but I know one of our fellow members "Dual Boots" some inferior OS and wanted this type of a setup. Perhaps if we coverer Grub2 he would be willing to share his experience in setting this up. What'd'ya'say Mr. D?

Mike K.

On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 6:32 PM, <cstickelman@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:cstickelman@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    The Ubuntu updates include new Linux kernel packages.  Every time
    you install a new kernel package an entry is added to you Grub
    configuration.  This is, of course, a good thing, most users
    don't understand the specifics of how Linux boots and how a new
    kernel package changes the state of the system.

    Fortunately un-installing the same packages removes entries in
    Grub's configuration.  (This is also a good thing...)

    The one thing that the Ubuntu updates will not do is to
    auto-magically delete any kernel packages.  (You may want those
    packages installed, and who is Ubuntu to say otherwise...)

    The solution is for you to launch a package manager, such as
    Synaptic, and remove the Linux kernel packages that you don't
    want.  Which ones are those?  That's a hard call from our
    perspective...  I ALWAYS keep at least one known-good version
    installed, just in case the new one has issues.

    1) Launch Synaptic (System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package
    2) Authenticate with your current user's password (Ubuntu gives
    the install user superuser access via sudo...)
    3) Perform a Quick Search for "linux-image"
    4) Deselect the kernel packages you no longer want installed on
    your system.  (NOTE:  You MUST keep at least one Linux kernel
    installed, it's best to have two: the most current and the second
    most current version.)
    5) Reboot if you have installed a new kernel or want to test that
    everything worked as planned.  (Always have an alternative
    mechanism for booting Linux if you are not TOTALLY sure that your
    new configuration is going to boot w/o problems.)

    GRUB/GRUB2 are topics that we could/should present at a meeting.
     GRUB2 is very different than the original GRUB that we have all
    been using for years...)

    I hope this helps!

    ---- Aidan Artos MacTyre <wolfson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:wolfson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    > As a Linux/Ubuntu novice, I've been noticing that almost every
    > update to Ubuntu is adding a new entry to my Grub Startup Menu
    for OS
    > booting.  Ubuntu 9.xx.xx.x, etc. over and over down through the
    > then "Other OS" then the Windows XP that came with the machine
    and was
    > setup for multi-boot with Ubuntu Linux.  As of this point, the
    > XP and Dell Utility options are listed only after scrolling
    past the
    > first screen of choices.
    > Where do I go to remove extraneous old version entries from the
    > boot loader menu?  And are there any versions I should keep for
    > purposes after my initial install of Ubuntu Linux last June?
     Oh, and
    > are there any other considerations, cleanup procedures that
    need to be
    > dealt with to make this a clean efficient solution and avoid
    > future issues that may result from removing any Ubuntu boot
    points from
    > my system?  Lastly, how should I approach removing no longer needed
    > files related to older versions removed from the menu?
    > How's that sound for a tutorial request?
    > Jim.
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