[nasional_list] [ppiindia] UMR dengan Standar Emas?

  • From: A Nizami <nizaminz@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "ekonomi-nasional@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ekonomi-nasional@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, ppiindia <ppiindia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, lisi <lisi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Indonesia Raya <indonesiaraya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 14:24:47 +0800 (SGT)

Sekali2 buruh tuntut UMR dipatok berdasarkan emas. Misalnya 4 gram emas. Jadi 
kalau tahun 1998 harga emas sekitar Rp 30 ribu dan UMR sekitar Rp 120 ribu, 
sekarang dgn harga emas Rp 500 ribu/gram, UMR otomatis jadi Rp 2 juta tanpa 
perlu berdemo.Â

Kalau pakai uang kertas, nilainya susut terus tiap tahun karena kertas itu 
memang sebetulnya tidak berharga. Dulu AS pakai standar emas. Sekarang pun 13 
negara bagian di AS mulai pakai emas dan perak karena khawatir kalau dollar 
inflasi (apalagi rupiah).Â

Jika UMR pakai standar emas, tak perlu buruh berdemo setiap tahun menuntut 
kenaikan UMR karena inflasi. Tak perlu mereka mengalami resiko dipopor senapan 
atau tewas karena senjata api.

Belasan Negara Bagian AS Mulai Pakai Mata Uang Emas danÂPerak
Posted onÂSeptember 17, 2012Âby A Nizami |ÂSunting
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Kalau kita digaji dgn standar emas, misalnya 20 gram emas (sekarang rp 10 
juta), kita tak perlu demo menuntut kenaikan gaji karena gaji kita naik terus 
seiring dgn inflasi dan naiknya harga emas. Sebagai contoh tahun 1998 harga 
emas sekitar Rp 24 ribu/gram. Jadi kalau dulu gaji kita rp 480 ribu, maka 
sekarang otomatis jadi Rp 10 juta.
13 Negara Bagian AS mulai memakai emas dan perak sebagai mata uang mereka. 
Sepertinya uang kertas dollar mulai tidak bisa dipercaya. Emas dan Perak meski 
tidak dipakai sebagai uang, tetap mempunyai nilai riel sehingga ada harga 
jualnya per gram. Sementara uang kertas jika tidak jadi uang, hanya jadi kertas 
yang tidak ada harganya. Nilainya pun berubah2 dan tidak stabil.
Ini untuk menghindari ketidak-pastian ekonomi dan Hiper-Inflasi uang kertas 
dollar. Berikut berita dari CNN, New York Time, dan Pelita:
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) â A growing number of states are seeking shiny new 
currencies made of silver and gold.
Worried that the Federal Reserve and the U.S. dollar are on the brink of 
collapse, lawmakers from 13 states, including Minnesota, Tennessee, Iowa, South 
Carolina and Georgia, are seeking approval from their state governments to 
either issue their own alternative currency or explore it as an option. Just 
three years ago, only three states had similar proposals in place.
âIn the event of hyperinflation, depression, or other economic calamity related 
to the breakdown of the Federal Reserve System â the Stateâs governmental 
finances and private economy will be thrown into chaos,â said North Carolina 
Republican Representative Glen Bradley in a currency bill he introduced last 
Unlike individual communities, which are allowed to create their own currency â 
as long as it is easily distinguishable from U.S. dollars â the Constitution 
bans states from printing their own paper money or issuing their own currency. 
But it allows the states to make âgold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of 
Utah Law Makes Coins Worth Their Weight in Gold (or Silver)
Utah has passed a law intended to encourage residents to use gold or silver 
coins made by the Mint as cash, but with their value based on the weight of the 
precious metals in them, not the face value â if, that is, they can find a 
merchant willing to accept the coins on that basis.
The legislation , called the Legal Tender Act of 2011, was inspired in part by 
Tea Party supporters, some of whom believe that the dollar should be backed by 
gold or silver and that Obama administration policies could cause a currency 
collapse. The law is the first of its kind in the United States. Several other 
states, including Minnesota, Idaho and Georgia, have considered similar laws.
Pada bulan Maret 2011 Gubernur Gary Herbert menandatangani UU yang mengakui 
koin emas dan perak yang dicetak oleh US Mint berupa American Gold dan Silver 
Eagle sebagai alat pembayaran yang sah dan dapat digunakan untuk membayar pajak.
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