[nasional_list] [ppiindia] Pendiskreditan oleh Pendukung Pornografi/Erotika

  • From: A Nizami <nizaminz@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Indonesia Raya <indonesiaraya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, sabili <sabili@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, ppiindia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, lisi <lisi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, media dakwah <media-dakwah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 17:54:49 -0800 (PST)

** Forum Nasional Indonesia PPI India Mailing List **
** Untuk bergabung dg Milis Nasional kunjungi: 
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** Beasiswa dalam negeri dan luar negeri S1 S2 S3 dan post-doctoral 
scholarship, kunjungi 
http://informasi-beasiswa.blogspot.com **Pornografi adalah bisnis trilyunan 
rupiah. Ada
pengusaha film, prostitusi, aktor/aktris porno,
wartawan majalah porno, mau pun seniman porno yang
terlibat di situ.

Ketika mengirim posting yang menentang
pornografi/erotika saya mengalami pendiskreditan oleh
pendukung pornografi/erotika. Ada yang menyebut saya
propagandis, Wahabis, Talibanis, dsb.

Kasus pendiskreditan oleh pendukung Pornografi ini
memang di Barat pun terjadi sebagaimana yang
dikeluhkan oleh Andrea Dworkin.

Bagi saya pribadi, amar ma'ruf nahi munkar tak lepas
dari ayat berikut dari surat Al Ashr:

"1. Demi masa. 
2. Sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar dalam
3. kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan
amal saleh dan nasehat menasehati supaya mentaati
kebenaran dan nasehat menasehati supaya menetapi

Orang yang rugi yang diam saja melihat kerusakan tanpa
berusaha nasehat-menasehati.

Alhamdulillah saat ini agama Islam masih menunjukkan
penentangannya terhadap pornografi dan bentuk
kemaksiatan lainnya.

17. Al Israa' 
32. Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina; sesungguhnya
zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji. Dan suatu
jalan yang buruk.  
40. Al Mu'min 
19. Dia mengetahui (pandangan) mata yang khianat[1318]
dan apa yang disembunyikan oleh hati. 

[1318]. Yang dimaksud dengan pandangan mata yang
khianat adalah pandangan yang dilarang, seperti
memandang kepada wanita yang bukan muhrimnya. 

WRITINGS 1976-1989

Andrea Dworkin
Part IV

Pornography Is a Civil Rights Issue

Copyright © 1988, 1993 by Andrea Dworkin.
All rights reserved.
I testified before the Attorney General's Commission
on Pornography on January 22, 1986, in New York City.
Numerous civil liberties folks, including
pro-pornography "feminists," had already testified in
other cities. I spoke to the Commission because my
friends, feminists who work against pornography, asked
me to. Every effort was made by the pro-pornography
lobby to discredit the Commission. A memo dated June
5, 1986, from Gray and Company, the largest public
relations firm in Washington D.C., with ties to both
the Reagan White House and the old Kennedy White
House, outlines a strategy to discredit the
Commission. The memo was prepared for the Media
Coalition, a bunch of publishing and media trade
groups, including distributors, that has been very
active for many years in providing legal protection
for pornography, including child pornography. A
campaign costing nearly one million dollars would
effectively discredit the findings of the Commission
by smearing those who oppose pornography, creating a
hysteria over censorship, and planting news stories to
say that there is no proven relationship between
pornography and harm to women and children. I had one
half-hour and this is my testimony. Then, the members
of the Commission asked me questions. Their questions
and my answers are published here. Representatives of
Penthouse sat with ACLU lawyers and so-called
feminists organized to defend pornography; and they
heckled me during this testimony.
Andrea Dworkin called as a witness on behalf of the
Attorney General's Commission on Pornography,
testified as follows: 
[This text is based on the Justice Department's
transcript, prepared by Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc.,
which was compared against tape recordings and revised
for accuracy. The author has also made slight
editorial changes for clarity. Corrected transcript
copyright © 1988 by Andrea Dworkin. All rights
MS DWORKIN: Thank you very much. My name is Andrea
Dworkin. I am a citizen of the United States, and in
this country where I live, every year millions and
millions of pictures are being made of women with our
legs spread. We are called beaver, we are called
pussy, our genitals are tied up, they are pasted,
makeup is put on them to make them pop out of a page
at a male viewer. Millions and millions of pictures
are made of us in postures of submission and sexual
access so that our vaginas are exposed for
penetration, our anuses are exposed for penetration,
our throats are used as if they are genitals for
penetration. In this country where I live as a citizen
real rapes are on film and are being sold in the
marketplace. And the major motif of pornography as a
form of entertainment is that women are raped and
violated and humiliated until we discover that we like
it and at that point we ask for more.

In this country where I live as a citizen, women are
penetrated by animals and objects for public
entertainment, women are urinated on and defecated on,
women and girls are used interchangeably so that grown
women are made up to look like five- or six-year-old
children surrounded by toys, presented in mainstream
pornographic publications for anal penetration. There
are magazines in which adult women are presented with
their pubic areas shaved so that they resemble

In this country where I live, there is a trafficking
in pornography that exploits mentally and physically
disabled women, women who are maimed; there is amputee
pornography, a trade in women who have been maimed in
that way, as if that is a sexual fetish for men. In
this country where I live, there is a trade in racism
as a form of sexual pleasure, so that the plantation
is presented as a form of sexual gratification for the
black woman slave who asks please to be abused, please
to be raped, please to be hurt. Black skin is
presented as if it is a female genital, and all the
violence and the abuse and the humiliation that is in
general directed against female genitals is directed
against the black skin of women in pornography.

Asian women in this country where I live are tied from
trees and hung from ceilings and hung from doorways as
a form of public entertainment. There is a
concentration camp pornography in this country where I
live, where the concentration camp and the atrocities
that occurred there are presented as existing for the
sexual pleasure of the victim, of the woman, who
orgasms to the real abuses that occurred, not very
long ago in history.

In the country where I live as a citizen, there is a
pornography of the humiliation of women where every
single way of humiliating a human being is taken to be
a form of sexual pleasure for the viewer and for the
victim; where women are covered in filth, including
feces, including mud, including paint, including
blood, including semen; where women are tortured for
the sexual pleasure of those who watch and those who
do the torture, where women are murdered for the
sexual pleasure of murdering women, and this material
exists because it is fun, because it is entertainment,
because it is a form of pleasure, and there are those
who say it is a form of freedom.

Certainly it is freedom for those who do it. Certainly
it is freedom for those who use it as entertainment,
but we are also asked to believe that it is freedom
for those to whom it is done.

Then this entertainment is taken, and it is used on
other women, women who aren't in the pornography, to
force those women into prostitution, to make them
imitate the acts in the pornography. The women in the
pornography, sixty-five to seventy percent of them we
believe are victims of incest or child sexual abuse.
They are poor women; they are not women who have
opportunities in this society. They are frequently
runaways who are picked up by pimps and exploited.
They are frequently raped, the rapes are filmed, they
are kept in prostitution by blackmail. The pornography
is used on prostitutes by johns who expect them to
replicate the sexual acts in the pornography, no
matter how damaging it is.

Pornography is used in rape--to plan it, to execute
it, to choreograph it, to engender the excitement to
commit the act. Pornography is used in gang rape
against women. We see an increase since the release of
Deep Throat in throat rape--where women show up in
emergency rooms because men believe they can
penetrate, deep-thrust, to the bottom of a woman's
throat. We see increasing use of all elements of
pornography in battery, which is the most commonly
committed violent crime in this country, including the
rape of women by animals, including maiming, including
heavy bondage, including outright torture.

We have seen in the last eight years an increase in
the use of cameras in rapes. And those rapes are
filmed and then they are put on the marketplace and
they are protected speech--they are real rapes.

We see a use of pornography in the harassment of women
on jobs, especially in nontraditional jobs, in the
harassment of women in education, to create terror and
compliance in the home, which as you know is the most
dangerous place for women in this society, where more
violence is committed against women than anywhere
else. We see pornography used to create harassment of
women and children in neighborhoods that are saturated
with pornography, where people come from other parts
of the city and then prey on the populations of people
who live in those neighborhoods, and that increases
physical attack and verbal assault.

We see pornography having introduced a profit motive
into rape. We see that filmed rapes are protected
speech. We see the centrality of pornography in serial
murders. There are snuff films. We see boys imitating
pornography. We see the average age of rapists going
down. We are beginning to see gang rapes in elementary
schools committed by elementary school age boys
imitating pornography.

We see sexual assault after death where frequently the
pornography is the motive for the murder because the
man believes that he will get a particular kind of
sexual pleasure having sex with a woman after she is

We see a major trade in women, we see the torture of
women as a form of entertainment, and we see women
also suffering the injury of objectification--that is
to say we are dehumanized. We are treated as if we are
subhuman, and that is a precondition for violence
against us.

I live in a country where if you film any act of
humiliation or torture, and if the victim is a woman,
the film is both entertainment and it is protected
speech. Now that tells me something about what it
means to be a woman citizen in this country, and the
meaning of being second class.

When your rape is entertainment, your worthlessness is
absolute. You have reached the nadir of social
worthlessness. The civil impact of pornography on
women is staggering. It keeps us socially silent, it
keeps us socially compliant, it keeps us afraid in
neighborhoods; and it creates a vast hopelessness for
women, a vast despair. One lives inside a nightmare of
sexual abuse that is both actual and potential, and
you have the great joy of knowing that your nightmare
is someone else's freedom and someone else's fun.

Now, a great deal has happened in this country to
legitimize pornography in the last ten to fifteen
years. There are people who are responsible for the
fact that pornography is now a legitimate form of
public entertainment.

Number one, the lobby of lawyers who work for the
pornographers; the fact that the pornographers pay
lawyers big bucks to fight for them, not just in the
courts, but in public, in the public dialogue; the
fact that lawyers interpret constitutional principles
in light of the profit interest of the pornographers.

Number two, the collusion of the American Civil
Liberties Union with the pornographers, which includes
taking money from them. It includes using buildings
that pornographers own and not paying rent, it
includes using pornography in benefits to raise money.
It includes not only defending them in court but also
doing publicity for them, including organizing events
for them, as the Hugh Hefner First Amendment Awards is
organized by ACLU people for Playboy. It includes
publishing in their magazines. It includes deriving
great pride and economic benefit from working
privately for the pornographers, while publicly
pretending to be a disinterested advocate of civil
liberties and free speech.

I want you to contrast the behavior of the ACLU in
relation to the pornographers with their activities in
relation to the Klan and the Nazis. The ACLU pretends
to understand that they are all equally pernicious.
But do ACLU people publish in the Klan newsletter? No.
Do they go to Nazi social events? No. Do they go to
cocktail parties at Nazi headquarters? No, they don't,
at least not yet.

Finally, they have colluded in this sense, that they
have convinced many of us that the standard for speech
is what I would call a repulsion standard. That is to
say we find the most repulsive person in the society
and we defend him. I say we find the most powerless
people in this society, and we defend them. That's the
way we increase rights of speech in this society.

A third group that colludes to legitimize pornography
are publishers and the so-called legitimate media.
They pretend to believe that under this system of law
there is a First Amendment that is indivisible and
absolute, which it has never been.

As you know, the First Amendment protects speech that
has already been expressed from state interference.
That means it protects those who own media. There is
no affirmative responsibility to open communications
to those who are powerless in the society at large.

As a result, the owners of media, the newspapers, the
TV networks, are comfortable with having women's
bodies defined as the speech of pimps, because they
are protecting their rights to profit as owners, and
they think that that is what the First Amendment is

I am ashamed to say that people in my profession,
writers, have also colluded with the pornographers. We
provide their so-called socially redeeming value, and
they wrap the tortured bodies of women in the work
that we do.

Fourth, politicians have colluded with the
pornographers in municipalities all over this country.
They do it in these ways:

Zoning laws do not keep pornography out of cities.
They are an official legal permission to traffic in
pornography. And as a result politicians are able to
denounce pornography moralistically while protecting
it through zoning laws.

Zoning laws impose pornography on poor neighborhoods,
on working-class neighborhoods, on neighborhoods where
people of color live, and all of those people have to
deal with the increase in crime, the terrible
harassment, the degradation of the quality of life in
their neighborhoods, and the politicians get to
protect the property values of the rich. There is an
equal protection issue here: why the state makes some
people pay so other people can profit.

But that issue has never been raised. We have never
been able to sue a city under the equal protection
theory, because lawyers are on the other side. Lawyers
belong primarily to pornographers, and the people who
live in these neighborhoods that are saturated with
pornography are powerless people. They don't even have
power in their own municipalities. 

In addition, what pornographers do in municipalities
is that they buy land that is targeted for development
by cities. They hold that land hostage. They develop
political power through negotiating around that land.
They make huge profits, and they get influence in
local city governments.

Five, not finally but next to the last, a great
colluder with the pornographers was the last
presidential Commission on Obscenity and Pornography.
They were very effective in legitimizing pornography
in this country. They appeared to be looking for a
proverbial ax murderer who would watch pornography and
within twenty-four or forty-eight hours go out and
kill someone in a horrible and clear way. The country
is saturated with pornography, and saturated with
violence against women, and saturated with the
interfacing of the two. And the Commission didn't find

None of the scientific research that they relied on to
come to their conclusions is worth anything today.
It's all invalid. I ask you to take seriously the fact
that society does not exist in a laboratory, that we
are talking about real things that happen to real
people, and that's what we are asking you to take some
responsibility for.

Finally, the ultimate colluders in the legitimizing of
pornography, of course, are the consumers. In 1979 we
had a $4-billion-a-year industry in this country. By
1985 it was an $8-billion-a-year industry. Those
consumers include men in all walks of life: lawyers,
politicians, writers, professors, owners of media,
police, doctors, maybe even commissioners on
presidential commissions. No one really knows, do

And no matter where we look, we can't find the
consumers. But what we learn is the meaning of
first-class citizenship, and the meaning of
first-class citizenship is that you can use your
authority as men and as professionals to protect
pornography both by developing arguments to protect it
and by using real social and economic power to protect

And as a result of all of this, the harm to women
remains invisible; even though we have the bodies, the
harm to women remains invisible. Underlying the
invisibility of this harm is an assumption that what
is done to women is natural, that even if a woman is
forced to do something, somehow it falls within the
sphere of her natural responsibilities as a woman.
When the same things are done to boys, those things
are perceived as an outrage. They are called

But if you force a woman to do something that she was
born to do, then the violence to her is not perceived
as a real violation of her.

In addition, the harm to women of pornography is
invisible because most sexual abuse still occurs in
private, even though we have this photographic
documentation of it, called the pornography industry.

Women are extremely isolated, women don't have
credibility, women are not believed by people who make
social policy.

In addition, the harm of pornography remains invisible
because women have been historically excluded from the
protections of the Constitution; and as a result, the
violations of our human rights, when they don't occur
the same way violations to men occur, have not been
recognized or taken seriously, and we do not have
remedies for them under law.

In addition, pornography is invisible in its harm to
women because women are poorer than men and many of
the women exploited in pornography are very poor, many
of them are illiterate, and also because there is a
great deal of female compliance with brutality, and
the compliance is based on fear, it's based on
powerlessness and it is based on a reaction to the
very real violence of the pornographers. 

Finally, the harm is invisible because of the smile,
because women are made to smile, women aren't just
made to do the sex acts. We are made to smile while we
do them. 

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