[mso] Re: Help with word form template fields - Again

  • From: "Chinell, David F (GE EntSol, Security)" <David.Chinell@xxxxxx>
  • To: <mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 18:19:07 -0500

I'm not the expert, but in my experience (just trying to help out other
people here) Word Forms get very awkward once you start wanting to do
this sort of thing.

First, the lock and unlock button is more for you to use during design
and testing. When you're ready to issue the template to users, you click
Tools > Protect Document and select Forms. The user can still unprotect
the document using Tools > Unprotect, unless you assign a password in
the Protect Document dialog box.

Notice that you can also protect the document section-by-section. That
is, you can elect to lock some sections, but leave others open for

As to your second question, each text field sits in its own bookmark.
You can use a REF field to refer to the contents of that bookmark. The
field will look like { REF Text1 }. REF is the field type, and "Text1"
is the bookmark name I got when I inserted a form field to hold the last
name. Note that you can't just type the curly brackets, you have to use
Insert > Field, or press Ctrl+F9.

The problem arises when you enter a name, then need to update the REF
field with the new content of the bookmark. If the document was not
protected, you could just select the whole story (Ctrl + A)and update
all the fields (F9). But if it's protected you have to work around that.

You can either write VBA code for an exit macro that unprotects the
document, updates the fields, then reprotects is. Or, you can check the
Tools > Options > Print > Update Fields check box, then switch to Print
Preview to simulate printing, and Word will update the fields for you.

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