[mira_talk] from + len > size of contig?

  • From: "Bleker, Carissa R." <blekercr@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2015 13:22:23 +0000


I was trying to map Illumina contigs to a mira assembled Pacbio referene.
My config looks like:

project = glycomyces_mapping_try1
job = genome,mapping,accurate

# parameter settings
parameters = COMMON_SETTINGS -GE:not=8, -DI:trt=/tmp/
parameters = -NW:cmrnl=no

# since no fasta qualtity file for illumina
parameters = SOLEXA_SETTINGS --noqualities

# reference sequence
readgroup = GlycomycesPacbio
data = /path/to/file/glycomyces_assembly_pacbio_try1_out.caf

# illumina sequences
readgroup = GlyvomyceseIllumina
data = /path/to/file/glycomyces_illumina.fasta.fna
technology = solexa
default_qual = 30 # fake quality value

After running for a few hours I get the error:

Internal logic/programming/debugging error (*sigh* this should not have

* from + len > size of contig? *
->Thrown: void Contig::updateCountVectors(const int32 from, const int32 len,
vector<char>::const_iterator updateI, const uint32 seqtype, const bool
addiftrue, int32 coveragemultiplier)
->Caught: void Contig::stripToBackbone()

Aborting process, probably due to an internal error.

I noticed a previous problem like this in the mailing list and a recommendation
was to use only one thread, however this gave exactly the same error at the
some point in the mapping. I also tried both the CAF and MAF files from the
initial Pacbio denovo assembly.

This is my first time doing an assembly, so any and all advice is welcome!

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