[mira_talk] denovo assembly runs out of memory

  • From: "Andreas Petzold" <andpet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 16:53:37 +0200

Hi Bastien,

currently we are trying to assemble the genome of a pathogenic plant
fungus (est. genome size 50 Mbp) and despite 64 GB RAM available mira
(version 2.9.43-45) still runs out of memory.

Our input consists of ~ 2,7 mio 454 titanium reads and 7900 paired
fosmidends generated by Sanger technology. Mira crashes already during
pass 1 (when writing the repeat_resolve files).

Our parameters:



To us it seems that the crash happens at the graph phase so maybe we have
to much spurious overlaps. Could they somehow be reduced ? Should we
adjust the parameters ?

Furthermore we have access to a 64bit Itanium cluster with 146 GB RAM (os:
linux). Is there a possibility to provide a fitting binary so that we can
use mira on this cluster ?

Thanks and best regards,



Andreas Petzold
Genome Analysis
Fritz Lipmann Institute
Beutenbergstrasse 11, D-07745 Jena
voice : ++49-3641-656038
fax   : ++49-3641-656038
email : andpet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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