[mira_talk] Solexa de-novo assembly of paired reads

  • From: Tony Travis <a.travis@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 10:29:07 +0100

Hello, Bastien.

I'm trying to assemble about 20,000,000 paired-end Solexa reads using MIRA V3.0.3 (production version). The job has been running for three weeks now but has not yet completed the first pass.

I'm running it under 64-bit Linux on a 2GHz Opteron with 16GiB RAM. During the first phase the system was swapping a lot because MIRA required about 20GiB RAM. However, even though MIRA is now using about 30GiB RAM there is very little swap activity and the processor is running at 100% most of the time...

I don't know the fragment sizes for this run, but do you think that MIRA is taking so long because I didn't include the appropriate fragment sizes?

This is how I'm running the job from a FASTQ file with the default Solexa read naming convention:



# @(#)Makefile  2010-06-10  A.J.Travis

# MIRA assembly of metagenome

PROJECT = meta
READ = $(PROJECT)_in.solexa.fastq

all: $(READ)
        mira -project=$(PROJECT) \
        -fastq \


clobber: clean
        -rm -r $(PROJECT)_assembly

Dr. A.J.Travis, University of Aberdeen, Rowett Institute of Nutrition
and Health, Greenburn Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen AB21 9SB, Scotland, UK
tel +44(0)1224 712751, fax +44(0)1224 716687, http://www.rowett.ac.uk
mailto:a.travis@xxxxxxxxxx, http://bioinformatics.rri.sari.ac.uk/~ajt

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