[methmins] Re: Methodist Recorder

  • From: "DAVID MONKTON" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> ("david.monkton")
  • To: methmins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 15:03:23 +0100 (BST)

My involvement with the Methodist Recorder has taken place in many different places where I have been a presbyter and at many different levels of church life.At its best it is an extremely important way of reminding us that we belong to each other.
One of the difficulties however is that the Recorder also has to represent those who do not want to see the changes in outlook that continually need to take place for real progress to be made.
We have to keep a sense of 'togetherness' in the Holy Spirit.with the contrasting diversity of gifts-some providing stability, others making us unsettled in order to move and grow. This always had to be so.I agree with Tony that there have been some helpful articles in recent weeks.which have been stimulated by the many problems created by Covid and the rapid changes in society by ever increasing digitilisation and distressing changing world situations

One of the adapted prayers of St.Augustine on the 'meaning of grace' reads 'By your grace we discover that what we think is ours is alien to us, and what we think is alien is ours.'
My hope is that The Methodist Recorder will continue to provide articles of real value with a true sense of ecumenicity giving stimuli to both readers and writers..

------ Original Message ------
From: "Tony Buglass" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: methmins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, 13 Jun, 22 At 21:25
Subject: [methmins] Re: Methodist Recorder

John Staton wrote:

MR might provide a service for those who are not online, but for those who are it offers little.

Actually, it depends what you’re looking for. Over the lsat few weeks there have been a number of good articles about the European UMC churches and conferences, including some about Ukraine, Poldan, the Czech churches, and their efforts to work in support of the Ukrainians. There was also a very good whole-page obituary this week of John Hick by Susan Howdle – I knew he had written CPD and stuff, for which I might not have wished to thank him, but I did have to admire the sheer skill he brought to what was a monumental task, and it was good to see it set in the context of the man himself and his family life. Quite a lot of stuff like that seldom finds its way onto UKM, MO, etc. Granted, it’s of limited interest, and I think Jerry’s comment that the MR might not have many years left might have some truth in it, but for the time being I’ll keep taking it. There’s a part of me wants to live long enough to read my own obituary, which just goes to show how badly damaged I am from all those years as a superintendent minister...


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