[mdmars_staff] Re: //MARS R/ APRIL STAFF MEETING

  • From: bmcpherson73@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: mdmars_staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2009 20:28:34 -0500 (CDT)

I am not sure I can attend this time due to another meeting scheduled that night. It looks like I have to be back in Alaska on the 25th, so I may have to miss the annual meeting also. I will see if I can come back early.

Jim Cross WI3N was at our ham club meeting last night and talked about his plan for regional interoperability that includes MARS (not Army MARS, not Navy MARS, just MARS) Attached are his slides. This is some of the material he will be discussing at the joint MARS meeting on the 25th.

We talked after the meeting and we agreed that all MARS needs to be seen as a single entity by emergency managers to be considered among the players in emergency communications. Just look at the confusion when you try to explain the difference between ARES and RACES. We need to take care of our own MARS interoperability before we discuss state-federal interoperability


On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at  8:53 PM, John AAR3CK / AAM3MD wrote:

Good evening, all -

Our monthly meeting will be held Tuesday, April 7, 2009 at 7 PM. The location will be at Dave's QTH, AAR3DL, 3772 London Bridge Road, Sykesville, which is about 1 mile north of the Gamber firehouse.

Main topics will be the 501(c)(3) finalization and the upcoming Annual Meeting agenda.

Speaking of the annual meeting. I need to hear from you by April 11th so we can determine the food situation. If you sent me something and I don't have you on my list, I'm sorry about that. Here's who I would like to hear from in this group, in alphabetical order:

AAM3AMD, AAM3EMD, AAM3IMD and AAM3TMD. I know Tony is going for the sympathy vote over there with the flu and all. Just need to get a reading by April 11th on meeting attendance and lunch eating ($5).

For right now, please RSVP to me and let me know if you will be at the meeting next week so we can plan. I will be running late, myself.



MDC MARS Web Site: http://mdarmymars.home.comcast.net/~mdarmymars/index.htm

List Serve Administrator:  John aar3ck@xxxxxxxxxxx

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