[macvoiceover] Re: .zip file problem.

  • From: Travis Siegel <windowbridge@xxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 09:18:07 -0500

Ok, this unzipping process is relatively easy, so here's the steps you'll need to perform.

1. run terminal from /applications/utilities using the finder.
This will put you at a terminal prompt.
2. cd to the folder containing your downloaded files.  I.E. cd downloads
3. create a folder to hold the extracted files
mkdir new_folder
4. copy the zip file into that folder.
cp file.zip new_folder

5. change to that folder.
cd new_folder
6. unzip the downloaded file
unzip downloaded_file.zip

After that, you can exit terminal if you so desire, and use finder to examine the contents of the folder you just created, and copy/delete/ move files around as you deem necessary. There's commands to do all this under terminal as well, but if you're not familiar with terminal commands, it is likely easier to use the finder to do the work.
Some commands you might want though are:
more <filename> (pages the file on the screen, works for any file, including binary ones, but is best used for text files finder doesn't recognize as such) rm <filename> deletes the filename in question. Be careful when using this one, as there is no undelete command, and the files don't get put into the trash first. If you'd prefer to get the files out of your way, but be able to retrieve them, then perform a mv <filename ~/.trash that will put the file into your trash folder, then you can get it back if you need it (at least until you empty your trash)
cp will copy a file to a new name/location,
rm deletes them,
mv moves the file (similar to copy, only there's no second copy, as the original file is physically renamed)
more (as mentioned) will view a file
pico will allow you to edit a file with a full screen editor
ed will give you a line-oriented editor, tough to use if you're not familiar with it's syntax, but very quick and easy if you only want to make a small change in a file with no fuss. and that's about it for starters. If this doesn't help enough, or if you need additional assistance, let us know, I'm sure someone will jump in with the answer. There are podcasts on using terminal, though I've not listened to any of them, so can't comment on their content.

On Aug 28, 2008, at 8:40 PM, John Moore wrote:

I do need help. I know nothing about commandline stuff. BTW, it's a downloaded file, part of a sound effects library.

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